Page 9 - MAVR Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 1 (November 2017)
P. 9
Context: College & University Education
Presenter(s): Hawkinson, Eric - The University of Fukuchiyama; Alizadeh, Mehrasa - The
University of Osaka; Mehran, Parisa - The University of Osaka; Hastings, Chris - Nagoya
University of Foreign Studies; Brunotte, Josh - Aichi Prefectural University
Day: Saturday, November 18th
Time: 4:55 PM - 6:25 PM (90 minutes)
Room: 401
We will have a table in the SIG room so anyone can stop by and chat with some of the
Location: Multipurpose Hall (1F)
Date: Saturday, Nov 18 - Sunday, Nov 19 (2 days)
Opening Hours: (subject to change)
Saturday, Nov 18:
Open at 8:30 for staff
Open at 9:00 for guest
Close at 17:00
*Due to the Best of JALT party from 19:00 (subject to change), SIG tables and display materials
may need to be put aside. Further information will be announced closer to the date.
Sunday, Nov 19:
Open at 8:30 for staff
Open at 9:00 for guest
Close at 18:00
After Party Gaming
We are renting a space to have a few drinks and play some VR/AR games. It will be on
Saturday night after the MAVR SIG Showcase - More coming on that soon.
MAVR Presenters
POSTER - Nov 18 (Saturday) 10:55 AM - 12:25 PM Multi-Purpose Hall Mehran, Parisa -
Osaka University ; Alizadeh, Mehrasa - Osaka University
Multimodal e-Feedback in an Online English Course
POSTER - Nov 19 (Sunday) 12:25 PM - 1:55 PM Multi-Purpose Hall Alizadeh, Mehrasa -
Osaka University ; Mehran, Parisa - Osaka University
Developing a Blended Course: Why Quality Matters