Page 9 - NickCo Hospitality_2019 EE Benefits
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         Life and AD&D Insurance

         MetLife | Basic Term Life and AD&D Insurance
         Life insurance protects your family or other beneficiaries in the event of your death while you are s ll ac vely employed with the
         company.  Nick’s  Restaurants  pays  for  coverage,  offered  through  MetLife,  in  the  amount  of  $50,000.  If  your  death  is  due  to  a
         covered  accident  or  injury,  your  beneficiary  will  receive  an  addi onal  amount  through  Accidental  Death  and  Dismemberment
         (AD&D) coverage.

         Travel Assistance

         MetLife| Travel Assistance Program
         Nick’s  Restaurants  provides  a  Travel  Assistance  plan  to  you  at  no  cost.  This  program,  arranged  MetLife  and  provided  by  AXA
         Assistance USA, Inc., offers emergency assistance when you and/or your family are traveling 100+ miles away from home or work.
         Travel Assistance is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with trained professionals to provide valuable support in a medical
         emergency, such as loca ng doctors, den sts and facili es, se ng up emergency transfers, sending travel companions, pets, and
         vehicles  home,  coordina ng  bedside  visits,  and  se ng  up  and  paying  for  the  return  of  mortal  remains  (see  contract  for
         restric ons). In addi on, emergency travel support services are available and provide services such as emergency payment and
         cash advances, emergency messages, and legal help.

                       Accessing the Travel Assistance Program

                       Download AXA’s mobile app from Google Play or App Store for iOS by searching “webcorp”. Sign in using your
                       AXA  (Username:  axa,  Password:  travelassist)  If  you  have  ques ons  about  any  of  the  Travel  Assistance
                       Services, call (800) 454‐3679.

         Online Service Assistance

         Aetna| Member Website
         To gain easy simple access to your benefits visit and set a your profile with Aetna. As a member of Aetna portal
         you are able to find care, manage claims, see coverage and costs, manage prescriptions and much more!

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