Page 10 - KNCH Benefits Guide
P. 10



          The HSA plan includes two components:
          1.  A health plan that consists of medical, prescrip on drug, mental health and substance abuse benefits. You make before‐tax
              contribu ons from your paycheck for this coverage.
          2.  A Health Savings Account, or “HSA,” is a bank account funded by you that gives you the opportunity to save and pay for
              current and future eligible healthcare expenses with pre‐tax dollars.

          The illustra on below shows the basics steps to how this medical op on works.

               1   You pay the full cost for most expenses (including the full cost for   You can use the HSA, a
                   most prescrip on drugs) un l you meet the annual deduc ble.
                                                                                        tax‐advantaged saving and
                                                                                          spending account, for
               2   Once you meet the annual deduc ble, you pay the cost of medical           eligible medical
                   services  and  prescrip on  drugs  through  coinsurance  (the
                                                                                          and prescrip on drug
                   percentage  of  costs  that  the  medical  op on  pays,  and  that  you   expenses. See pages
                                                                                          5 and 7 for more HSA
                                                                                            details, including
               3   If  the  total  amount  you  pay  (your  deduc ble  cost  plus  your
                   coinsurance)  reaches  your  annual  out‐of‐pocket  maximum,  then     annual IRS contribu on
                   the medical op on will pay 100% of eligible costs for the rest of the      maximums.

            You’re covered in full for most preven ve care services when you use network providers. Checkups, immuniza ons, rou ne
              screenings, and even some prescrip on drugs — they are covered at 100% when you visit network providers.
            You’re protected from excessive costs. Your out‐of‐pocket expenses are limited to the annual out‐of‐pocket maximum which
              includes your deduc ble and the percentage of the cost you pay for medical services and prescrip on drugs. If the cost you
              pay  for  covered  services  reaches  the  annual  out‐of‐pocket  maximum,  you’re  covered  at  100%  for  the  rest  of  the  year.
              However,  if  you  use  a  non‐network  provider,  your  out‐of‐pocket  costs  (including  your  out‐of‐pocket  maximum)  will  be
              higher.  In  addi on,  the  amount  the  HSA  op on  will  cover  towards  out‐of‐network  expenses  will  always  be  subject  to
              reasonable and customary limits.
            You can save, invest and spend tax‐free using your HSA. Only the HSA op on lets you use a Health Savings Account to save
              tax‐free for eligible out‐of‐pocket healthcare expenses to include dental and vision.  Please reference Sec on 213(d) for a
              complete list of the eligible expenses defined by the IRS. Spend the money now or save it for future healthcare expenses
              even  when you  re re  or  leave  Koeller,  Nebeker,  Carlson,  &  Haluck.  The  money  rolls  over  from  year  to  year –  meaning
              there’s no “use it or lose it” rule!
            For 2019, as an HSA holder, you can choose to save up to $3,500 for individual and $7,000 for family coverage, and for 2020, up to
              $3,550 for individual and $7,100 for family coverage (if you are 55 years old or older, you can save an additional $1,000) ‐ and these
              contributions are 100% tax deductible from gross income.

                                                       KEEP IN MIND
             You can change your HSA contribution amount at any time during the year. However, you must establish your HSA through HSA
             Bank during the 30 day enrollment window after your hire date.

                           Educa onal Video
                           Click here to watch a quick video to learn the basics of how our the HSA medical plan works.

                           HSA Compatible High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP + HSA)
                           h p://

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