Page 7 - KNCH Benefits Guide
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                                              Anthem Blue Cross                         Anthem Blue Cross
          Plan Features                              HSA                                   Solution PPO

          Network                         CA: PPO            Non‐Network             CA: PPO          Non‐Network
                                     Non‐CA: Na onal PPO                       Non‐CA: Na onal PPO

          Life me Maximum                          Unlimited                                 Unlimited
          Calendar Year Deduc ble
             Individual                    $1,500              $4,500                $1,500             $4,500

             Individual in a Family         $2,700              $4,500               $1,500             $4,500
             Family                        $3,000              $9,000                $3,000             $9,000
          Coinsurance (Plan Pays)           90%                 70%                   80%                 60%
          Physician Office Visit
             PCP                       Deduc ble, 90%      Deduc ble, 70%           $15 Copay        Deduc ble, 60%
             Specialist                Deduc ble, 90%      Deduc ble, 70%           $15 Copay        Deduc ble, 60%
          Calendar Year Out‐of‐
          Pocket Maximum
             Individual                    $3,000              $9,000                $3,500             $10,500
             Individual in a Family        $3,000              $9,000                $3,500             $10,500
             Family                        $6,000              $18,000               $7,000             $21,000
          Hospitaliza on
             Inpa ent                  Deduc ble, 90%      Deduc ble, 70%        Deduc ble, 80%      Deduc ble, 60%
             Outpa ent                 Deduc ble, 90%      Deduc ble, 70%        Deduc ble, 80%      Deduc ble, 60%

          Emergency Services                    Deduc ble, 90%                       Deduc ble, $150 copay, 80%
          Urgent Care                  Deduc ble, 90%      Deduc ble, 70%           $15 Copay        Deduc ble, 60%
          Lab and X‐Ray:               Deduc ble, 90%      Deduc ble, 70%        Deduc ble, 80%      Deduc ble, 60%
          Preven ve Care                   100%            Deduc ble, 70%             100%           Deduc ble, 60%

          Chiroprac c                  Deduc ble, 90%      Deduc ble, 70%           $15 Copay        Deduc ble, 60%
                                                 30 Visits/Year                            30 Visits/Year

          PHARMACY BENEFITS           Full plan deduc ble must be met prior to
                                               prescrip on copays
          Retail (30 Day Supply)
             Tier  1a / 1b             $5 / $15 Copay                             $5 / $20 Copay
             Tier 2                      $40 Copay          50% up to $250          $40 Copay        50% up to $250
             Tier 3                      $60 Copay         Copay per Script         $60 Copay        Copay per Script
             Tier 4                 $30% up to $250 Copay                     $30% up to $250 Copay

          Mail Order (90 Day Supply)
             Tier  1a / 1b          $12.50 / $37.50 Copay                       $12.50 / $50 Copay
             Tier 2                      $120 Copay          Not Covered           $120 Copay         Not Covered
             Tier 3                      $180 Copay                                $180 Copay
             Tier 4                         n/a                                       n/a

                      FINDING A MEDICAL PROVIDER:

                      Go to  Note: if you are outside CA, you will then select the state you reside:
                        (CA Employees) For PPO & HSA: Select “Blue Cross PPO (Prudent Buyer) ‐ Large Group” or call (800) 888‐8288
                        (NON‐CA Employees) For PPO & HSA: Select “Na onal PPO (Blue Card PPO)” or call (866) 207‐9878
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