Page 3 - Palomar EE Guide 01-19 FINAL
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         Palomar Health is pleased to present our 2019 Benefits Brochure “Healthy, Wealthy & Wise.” We appreciate your dedication to making
         Palomar Health an award-winning hospital district, and we are committed to protecting your health and your financial future by providing
         valuable resources so you can make healthy, wealthy & wise benefit choices to achieve the best lifestyle for you and your family.

         Benefits are a valuable part of the Palomar Health’s total compensation philosophy, as they are a significant portion of your compensation
         and may equal up to an additional 40% of your salary. Your benefit needs may vary from year to year and may also differ from the needs of a
         co-worker. This 2019 Benefits Brochure is designed to meet your changing needs and gives you the ability to be informed and alter your
         elections, if necessary, after a life event or during each annual open enrollment period. That’s why taking the time to read this information is
         important. Please review this brochure carefully to discover the generous health plans being offered, ways to secure and protect your
         financial welfare and the opportunities to enhance your professional development that Palomar Health makes available to you, our valued

         Healthy Benefit Choices                                 Palomar Health encourages your growth and professional
         Being healthy is an important part of the Palomar Health culture. As   development by making numerous programs and educational
         a healthcare organization, we must live, instruct and be a positive   opportunities available to you, including certification renewal,
         example of healthy behaviors and work/life balance for ourselves,   leadership development, tuition reimbursement and continuing-
         our family, our patients, and the communities we serve. Palomar   education seminar funds. These are offered in a culture of rewards
         Health’s support for health and wellness begins with comprehensive   and recognition where you are acknowledged for your work and
         medical, dental and vision insurance plans, with an emphasis on   effort.
         preventive care and screening. Our objectives are to keep our
         healthy people healthy, improve the health of those who are at risk,
         and stabilize those who are already sick. Through screenings and
         education, we hope to identify and reduce preventable health risks
         and avoid or delay illness. Palomar Health’s investment in wellness
         education and activities is to motivate employees to adopt healthier
         lifestyles and to help meet specific personal health and wellness
         goals. Palomar Health employees are provided with personal time         Health Care Reform
         off for vacations and a variety of services to meet those goals.
                                                                   Many important provisions under the Affordable Care Act
         Wealthy Decisions                                         (ACA) are effective that may have an impact on your benefits.
                                                                   We pledge to communicate any changes or new provisions
         Financial well-being is presented by a combination of competitive
         and fair wages, a high deductible health plan for those that   required to be implemented that may impact you and your
         underutilize their health insurance, credits for those that have   covered family members.
         medical coverage outside of Palomar Health, generous retirement
         plans, income protection and additional programs to enhance your   For more information, go to
         overall financial wellness.

         Wise Actions

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