Page 10 - TCM EE Guide 2019 v2 Non CA FINAL
P. 10

Medical Plan highlights

                                                     United                                  United
                                                  Healthcare                               Healthcare
         Plan Name                                    PPO                                   HSA PPO
                                            UHC                                      UHC
         Network Name                    Select Plus      Non-Network            Select Plus       Non-Network
         Plan Differences
         Employee Premiums                             $$$                                      $$
         Employee Cost Sharing               Contribution, Deductible,               Contribution, Deductible,
                                               Copay, Coinsurance                       Copay, Coinsurance
         Network                                        
          - Network Size                                                                  
          - In-Network Benefits                                                                
          - Non-Network Benefits                                                               
         Access to Providers                     Managed by You                          Managed by You
         Health Benefits
         Lifetime Maximum Benefit                    Unlimited                               Unlimited

         Calendar Year Deductible
          - Individual                       $750              $1,500                $2,700            $3,700
          - Family                          $1,500             $3,000               $5,400             $7,400
         Out-of-Pocket Maximum
          - Individual                      $2,500             $5,000               $3,700             $7,400
          - Family                          $5,000            $10,000               $7,400             $14,800
          - Copays Included                  Yes                Yes                  Yes                 Yes
         Coinsurance (You Pay)               20%                40%                   0%                 20%
         Office Visit Copay
          - Preventive Care               No Charge         Not Covered           No Charge          Not Covered
          - Primary Care Physician        $35 Copay       Deductible, 40%       Deductible, 0%     Deductible, 20%
          - Specialist                    $35 Copay       Deductible, 40%       Deductible, 0%     Deductible, 20%
          - Urgent Care (Med Group)      $125 Copay       Deductible, 40%       Deductible, 0%     Deductible, 20%
          - Urgent Care (Other)          $125 Copay       Deductible, 40%       Deductible, 0%     Deductible, 20%
          - Telemedicine                  $25 Copay             N/A             Deductible, 0%           N/A

          - Inpatient                  Deductible, 20%    Deductible, 40%       Deductible, 0%     Deductible, 20%
          - Outpatient Surgery         Deductible, 20%    Deductible, 40%       Deductible, 0%     Deductible, 20%

         Lab and X-Ray
          - Diagnostic                    No Charge       Deductible, 40%       Deductible, 0%     Deductible, 20%
          - Complex                    Deductible, 20%    Deductible, 40%       Deductible, 0%     Deductible, 20%
         Emergency Services                        $250 Copay                             Deductible, 0%

         Mental Health
          - Inpatient                  Deductible, 20%    Deductible, 40%       Deductible, 0%     Deductible, 20%
          - Outpatient                    $35 Copay       Deductible, 40%       Deductible, 0%     Deductible, 20%

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