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Travel Assistance Program
Anthem Blue Cross | Travel Assistance Program
Redbarn Pet Products provides a Travel Assistance plan to you at no cost. This program, arranged Anthem Blue Cross and
provided by Europe Assistance USA, offers emergency assistance when you and/or your family are traveling 100+ miles away
from home or work. Travel Assistance is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with trained professionals to provide valua-
ble support in a medical emergency, such as locating doctors, dentists and facilities, setting up emergency transfers, sending
travel companions, pets, and vehicles home, coordinating bedside visits, and setting up and paying for the return of mortal
remains (see contract for restrictions). In addition, emergency travel support services are available and provide services such
as emergency payment and cash advances, emergency messages, and legal help.
Travel Assistance Contacts
You can get details by calling Europe Assistance USA:
• U.S. Canada: 866-295-4890
• Other Countries (call collect): 202-296-7482
United Pet Care
Compared to Pet Insurance, UPC costs less, is simple to use and saves instantly. As a UPC member, you simply take your pet to the
vet as often as you need and instantly save 20-50% on everything from checkups and vaccines to skin treatments and surgeries. For
a list of providers, please visit
All members must first choose their Primary Care Veterinarian as part of their enrollment process. After enrolling, you can also
make appointments with UPC’s specialists. No referrals are needed to see specialists within our network once you are enrolled as a
member with a Primary Care Veterinarian.
• Guaranteed savings of 20-50%*
• All pets eligible — No exclusions due to age, pre-existing or breed-specific conditions
• Covers sick care, preventative care, and accidents
• No claim forms, waiting periods or deductibles
• Instant savings — easy to use
• No annual dollar limitations
• Savings on in-network specialists
• Member Discount Club — save on services and pet products
The annual cost for United Pet Care is comparable to the amount you would probably spend on annual vaccinations alone. With
United Pet Care, you receive free annual vaccines, free annual exam, $15 office visits, and up to 25% off of veterinary services.
Employee Perks
• Did you know? As an employee of Redbarn, you get discounted pricing on pet food. Inquire with HR.
• Save money with discounts at (Special Offers)
• Discounts on gym memberships, fitness equipment, coaching, and more from Global Fit.
• WINFertility® — Save up to 40% on infertility treatment.
• National Allergy® supply — Save 15% on mattress encasings, air filtration products, compressors and other products
that can help relieve your allergy, asthma and sinus symptoms.
• Jenny Craig® — Join Jenny Craig and obtain 50% off. All Access Enrollment plus 5% off all Jenny Craig Food.
• Lindora® — Save 20% on weight-loss programs.