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 All regular full-time employees, as defined by the employee handbook, and their eligible dependents may participate   Each of the benefits that you elect have an employee cost associated with them. We deduct these contributions conveniently
 in United Pacific’s Employee Benefits. Eligible dependents include:  out of your paycheck. Your cost for coverage will vary depending on the option and level of coverage you choose. Your
 •   Legally married spouse  medical, dental, and vision contributions are deducted before taxes are withheld, which saves you tax dollars. Basic Life
 •   Registered domestic partner per state mandate  insurance, AD&D and the Employee Assistance Program are provided to you at no charge.
 •   Children under the age of 26  THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT AND YOU
 WHEN YOU CAN ENROLL  Even though the Affordable Care Act (ACA)’s penalty for not having health coverage (known as the individual
      mandate) has been reduced to zero, if you are a taxpayer in California, you will still be required to have health
 Employees are eligible to enroll at the following times:  coverage (unless you qualify for an exemption) or pay a penalty for the 2020 tax year. In addition, several other
 •   New Hires: New employees may participate in the Employee Benefits on the first day of the month following   states, including Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Vermont, as well as the District of Columbia, have reinstated an
 the completion of one month of full-time employment, provided you average 30 hours or more per week  individual mandate requirement, and others are considering doing so.
 •   Open Enrollment: Employees can enroll or make changes during the Annual Open Enrollment
 •   Qualifying Event: Throughout the year, if you experience a qualifying event/qualified change in family status   You may consider these options below to satisfy this requirement:
 (as defined by the IRS), you may be able to enroll or make changes  •   Enroll in a medical plan offered by United Pacific or another group medical plan
         meeting the requirements for minimum essential coverage;
 HOW YOU CAN ENROLL  •   Purchase coverage through a health insurance marketplace;
         Enroll in coverage through a government-sponsored program if eligible.
 In order to elect your benefits during this open enrollment, you will access your information through the ADP Self
 Service website. When you login, you will be able to view step-by-step, each of your benefit options and make your   However, if you choose to purchase coverage through the marketplace, because United Pacific’s medical plans
 selections. You will also be able to add/delete dependents and beneficiaries.  are considered affordable and meet minimum value under the Affordable Care Act, you may not be eligible for
      a subsidy, and you may not see lower premiums or out-of-pocket costs through the marketplace. In addition,
 ADP EMPLOYEE SELF SERVICE (ESS)  employer contributions to your medical benefits will be lost and your portion of medical premiums will no longer
 Log into  be paid via payroll deductions on a pre-tax basis.
 On the home page, you will be asked to enter your User ID and password. If you are logging in for the first time,
 you will need to register with the website. To gain access to the site, you will be asked for a Registration Code.
 The Registration code is UPE-My4130portal
 ENROLLMENT CHANGES  BenefitHub is free, easy-to-use, and offers a full range of benefits and rewards. Log in to view existing offerings and
 The benefit plans are effective January 1 to December 31. Annually, we will hold an Open Enrollment which will allow   watch for additional discounts throughout the year.
 you to make changes to your plans. Once your benefit elections have been made, you cannot change them during
 the year unless you experience a qualifying event/qualified change in family status as defined by the IRS.  Benefits and tools available include:
      Discounts: Receive exclusive discounts on a wide array of top brands in categories such as travel, auto, electronics,
      apparel, entertainment (movies/events), restaurants, health/wellness, beauty/spa, and much more!
 Examples of an IRS Qualifying Event are:
 •   Marriage, divorce, legal separation or annulment  Cash Back: Earn cash back on everything you buy from thousands of brands. Simply make your purchases through
 •   Birth or adoption of a child  BenefitHub and redeem your cash back. It’s easy and a great way to save money.
 •   Qualified medical child support order
 •   Loss of coverage from another health plan
 •   And more… Please contact your Benefits Team or refer to the IRS guidelines for additional qualifying events  TO GET STARTED
      Go to and register with your ADP Employee Number and date of birth. Use the
      mobile app to access BenefitHub on the go. The mobile app is available for free through the Apple App or Google
 *Please note that you have 30 days to update your coverage for any qualifying event. Coverage is not automatic. Once your   Play Store or access from your personal home computer.
 qualifying event has occurred, please contact the Human Resources Department immediately to complete the appropriate
 election forms. If you do not update your coverage within 30 days of the qualifying event, you must wait until the next   Educational Video:
 annual open enrollment period to make the changes.

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