Page 6 - Veritone EE OOS Benefit Guide_2020
P. 6


        Your cost per month

        Medical Options                            Option 1               Option 2               Option 3            IRS CODE Section 125
                                                                                                                     The  Veritone  employee  benefit  plans
        Plan                                      PPO $500              PPO $1,500               HSA PPO             are designed under Section 125 of the
        Employee Only                              $296.86                 $145.33                $107.54            IRS  Code.  This  allows  you  to  take
        Employee + Spouse                          $653.09                 $319.73                $236.87            advantage    of   federal   laws   by
        Employee + Child(ren)                      $534.35                 $261.60                $193.57            purchasing some of your benefits with
        Employee + Family                          $920.26                 $450.53                $333.38            pre-tax  dollars.  Under  Section  125,
                                                                                                                     your  Medical,  Dental,  Vision,  and
        Dental Options                             Option 1               Option 2                                   Flexible      Spending       Account

        Plan                                      PPO High                PPO Low                                    contributions are deducted before taxes
                                                                                                                     are  withheld  which  saves  you  tax
        Employee Only                               $13.69                  $7.17                                    dollars.  Paying  for  benefits  before-tax
        Employee + Spouse                           $27.76                  $15.65                                   means  that  your  share  of  the  costs  is
        Employee + Child(ren)                       $30.94                  $15.08                                   deducted  before taxes  are determined,
        Employee + Family                           $43.89                  $21.75                                   resulting  in  more  take-home  pay  for
                                                                                                                     you.  As  a  result,  the  IRS  requires  that
        Vision Option
                                                                                                                     your  elections  remain  in  effect  for  the
        Plan                                         PPO                                                             entire year. You cannot drop or change
                                                                                                                     coverage  unless  you  experience  a
        Employee Only                                $1.30
        Employee + Spouse                            $2.60                                                           qualifying  event.  You  may  waive
        Employee + Child(ren)                        $2.66                                                           participation  in  the  Section  125  Plan
        Employee + Family                            $3.96                                                           and  elect  to  pay  all  contributions  with
                                                                                                                     after-tax  dollars.  Contact  the  People
                                                                                                                     Operations  Department  if  you  wish  to
                                                                                                                     pay  for  your  benefits  with  after-tax
        For your convenience, your age-banded Voluntary Life/AD&D premiums have                                      dollars.

        been pre-calculated for you in Paycom.

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