Page 12 - Rampart EE Guide
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         Accelerated Death Benefit
         The Accelerated Death Benefit is a feature of your life insurance benefit which, if you are terminally ill, provides you with up to
         75% of your life insurance before your death.

         Healthy Rewards®
         Cigna Health Rewards includes discount offers on many programs and services designed to help you and your family enhance your
         health and wellness.  The program provides access to discounted products and services that normally may not be covered by
         insurance,  but  can  s ll  be  important  components  to  maintaining  physical,  mental  and  emo onal  health  such  as  weight
         management and nutri on, vision and hearing care, fitness memberships, vitamins, health and wellness products. (password: savings) or call (800) 258‐3312

         Cigna Health Advocacy Services

         Provides  you  and  your  family  (including  spouse/domes c  partner,  dependent  children,  parents,  and  parents‐in‐law)  access  to
         expert  assistance  with  a  wide  range  of  healthcare  and  health  insurance  challenges  such  as  finding  the  right  doctor,  clarifying
         benefits, assis ng with denials of claims, sor ng through medical bills and nego a ng payment arrangements. The vendor for
         these services is Health Advocate, Inc.™ ‐ a leading na onal health assistance and support company.   Personal Health Advocates
         are available Monday through Friday 6am—7pm MST at (866) 799‐2725.

         If the unexpected happens, the Cignaassurance Program  provides beneficiaries access to a free, interest‐bearing account for claim
         payments of $5,000 or more, and support from expert resources in financial, legal, and behavioral health services.

         Cigna Secure Travel®
         Provides pre‐trip planning, assistance while traveling, and unlimited medical evacua on and repatria on benefits when traveling
         100 miles or more from home.  (888) 226‐4567 In U.S.  (202) 331‐7635  outside U.S.

         My Secure Advantage ™
         To help you deal with financial challenges during long‐term disability, Cigna provides you (and their household members) with a
         financial wellness program with access to expert “money coaching” for all types of financial challenges.  Also included with My
         Secure Advantage are iden ty the  preven on and resolu on services, including access to personal case managers who provide
         assistance and guidance as well as educa on and tools to help prevent iden ty the  in the future, and  online resources to create
         and execute state‐specific wills, powers of a orney and a variety of other important legal documents.

         Call (888) 724‐2262 Monday through Friday 7am—9pm MST to speak to a representa ve.  You will need to give your name, city,
         state, zip code and the name of your employer.  You can also visit for more informa on, or to
         register and access online tools and educa onal resources and create legal documents.

         Cigna Life Assistance Program
         The  Cigna  Life  Assistance  Program  provides  you  and  your  household  members  with  free,  confiden al  assistance  to  help  with
         personal or professional problems that may interfere with work or family responsibili es and obliga ons. This plan offers support
         and  resources,  whether  your  issues  are  paren ng,  work  situa ons,  a  troubled  rela onship,  substance  abuse  or  even  for
         community resources for things such as elder, child, or pet care.  Services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via a toll‐free
         (800) 538‐3543 or visit

         Legal Shield | Legal & Identity Theft Plans
         With these plans, you can receive legal consulta on, legal document review, debt collec on assistance, trial defense services,
         iden ty  alerts/protec on  and  many  others.  The  Legal  Shield  Iden ty  The   Protec on  and  Legal  Plans  offer  assistance  in
         preven ng,  protec ng  and  recovering  your  iden ty  or  personal  iden fying  informa on.   For  more  informa on  go  to and or call (719) 440‐0816.

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