Page 11 - Rampart EE Guide
P. 11
Cigna | Basic Life and AD&D Insurance — eligible after 1 year of employment
Life insurance protects your family or other beneficiaries in the event of your death while you are s ll ac vely employed with the
company. Rampart Supply pays for coverage, offered through Cigna, in the amount of 1 mes your annual base salary to a
maximum benefit of $100,000. If your death is due to a covered accident or injury, your beneficiary will receive a matching
addi onal amount through Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) coverage.
A beneficiary is the person or en ty who you designate to receive your death benefits. Choosing a beneficiary and
keeping your beneficiary up‐to‐date is an essen al part of owning life insurance. Please remember to review your
beneficiary designa on as new situa ons arise, such as the birth or adop on of a child, marriage or divorce. You may call
the Human Resources Department for a copy of the Beneficiary Designa on Form as needed.
Cigna | Short Term Disability Insurance — eligible after 1 year of employment
Rampart Supply offers you Short Term Disability (STD) to provide income replacement if you become disabled due to accident,
sickness or pregnancy, through Cigna. If you experience a temporary disability, benefits begin the day of an accident and 7 days
a er the start of a sickness or pregnancy and will con nue up to a maximum of 13 weeks. STD works with state disability programs,
Social Security, and any other group disability coverage, to provide you with a combined monthly benefit equal to 60% of your pre‐
disability earnings up to a maximum benefit of $800 per week.
Cigna | Long Term Disability Insurance — eligible after 1 year of employment
Rampart Supply offers you Long Term Disability (LTD) to provide income replacement if you become disabled for an extended
period of me, through Cigna. If you become totally and permanently disabled, benefits begin 90 days a er the start of your illness
or injury. LTD works with state disability programs, Social Security, and any other group disability coverage, to provide you with a
combined monthly benefit equal to 60% of your pre‐disability earnings up to a maximum benefit of $6,000 per month.
Transamerica | Long Term Care Insurance — eligible if employed at least 6 months prior to open enrollment
Rampart Supply offers you Long Term Care (LTC) through Transamerica to help pay for costs associated with caring for yourself or a
loved one. These costs are generally not covered by health insurance, Medicare or Medicaid. Benefits are paid as long as you or
your loved one cannot meet certain ac vi es of daily living, such as dressing, bathing, going to the bathroom, ea ng or moving
about, or a er suffering a severe cogni ve impairment (like Alzheimer’s). Rampart Supply provides a base plan at no cost to you.
You can add addi onal coverage for yourself and family members (underwri ng may be required).