Page 13 - Rampart EE Guide
P. 13
Wells Fargo | 401(k)
You are encouraged to par cipate in Rampart Supply’s 401(k) plan. This plan allows you to fund for your re rement with pre‐tax
dollars. You can defer a percentage of your annual salary to IRS benefit maximum. If you are 50 years old or older during the plan year,
you may contribute a catch‐up deferral.
401(k) IRS Maximums 2019 2020
Elec ve Deferral $19,000 $19,500
Catch‐Up for Employees Age 50+ $6,000 $6,500
You will be automa cally enrolled in the company’s 401(k) plan a er 6 months of service, if you are at least 21 years old. For every
dollar you put in the plan, the company will contribute 100%, up to 3%, and will contribute 50%, up to the next 2% of your salary. If
you contribute 5% of your salary, you will receive an effec ve match of 4%. The company, at its discre on, may or may not provide
profit sharing money to your account. You must be employed on the last day of the plan year to receive profit sharing
contribu ons.
Holidays—6 paid days a year
New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day.
Vaca on is available to full‐ me employees
10 days each year a er comple ng 1 year of service
A er comple ng 5th year, a day is added each year un l you reach 15 days
Sick/Personal Days
Sick/personal days are available to full‐ me employees
You are eligible for 5 paid sick/personal days each year
There is a 6 month wai ng period; prorated in year of hire
Bereavement is available to full‐ me employees
You are eligible for bereavement leave a er comple ng 1 year of service
Time off includes 3 days for the death of an immediate family member, and 2 days to a end funeral for aunts, uncles, nieces,
and nephews
Company Discounts
Available to full‐ me employees
You may purchase merchandise at a reduced price
Fitness Discounts
Available to full‐ me employees
Discounts are offered up to $360 per year reimbursement available for gym membership fees