Page 6 - Humano EE Guide 06-20
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Medical Plan Choices

         Anthem Blue Cross | PPO Plans
         The PPO plans require that you meet a calendar   Your Access to Care
         year deductible before Anthem Blue Cross starts   Our plans are Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plans
         paying for certain services. Once the deductible   and use Anthem Blue Cross’s “Blue Cross PPO (Prudent
         has been met, most services will be covered at a   Buyer)” network. PPO plans allow you to direct your own
         coinsurance or a copay, For certain services, such   care. You have the freedom to choose your doctor without
         as office visits and urgent care, Anthem Blue Cross   the requirement of selecting a PCP and you may self-refer to
         has waived the deductible and cost sharing begins   specialists. You may use a network provider whose
         immediately.                                     negotiated rates provide richer levels of benefits with claim
                                                          forms filed by the providers. You may also obtain services
         There are 3 PPO options to choose from:          using a non-network provider; however, you will be
         •   Bronze PPO                                   responsible for the difference between the covered amount
         •   Gold PPO                                     and the actual charges, and you may be responsible for filing
         •   Platinum PPO                                 claims.

            Finding a Medical Provider
            Go to or call (855) 383-7248. Refer
            to the “Blue Cross PPO (Prudent Buyer) - Small Group”
            network when prompted.

                                                                 Working Spouse Eligibility for Medical
                                                                 Spouses and domestic partners who have other medical
                                                                 coverage available to them through their employer are
                                                                 not eligible to enroll in our plan.  Upon enrolling for
                                                                 your benefits in Ease, all associates will be required to
                       Educational Video                         sign-off on The Employee Affidavit, certifying that any
                       Health Insurance Terms                    spouse/domestic partner enrolling in the medical plan
                 is eligible.

         Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC)
         Health insurance issuers and group health plans are required to provide you with an easy-to-understand summary
         about your health plan’s benefits and coverage, referred to as a Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC). This guide
         is designed to help you understand the medical plan options offered to you by humano. Please refer to the SBC and
         carrier contracts provided by Anthem Blue Cross for additional plan details.

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