Page 8 - Humano EE Guide 06-20
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Virtual Visits

         The care you need—

         when you need it

         When you don’t feel well, or your child is sick, the last thing you want to do is leave the comfort of home to sit in a
         waiting room. Now you don’t have to. LiveHealth Online virtual visits allow you see and talk to a doctor from your
         mobile device or computer without an appointment. Most visits take about 10-15 minutes and doctors can write a
         prescription, if needed, that you can pick up at your local pharmacy. This service is part of your health benefits
         offered through Anthem Blue Cross. (Special pricing may apply due to COVID-19)

                        Bronze PPO: Ded, 50%
                        Gold PPO: $0 Copay first 3 sessions, then $5 Copay
                        Platinum PPO: $0 Copay first 3 sessions, then $5 Copay

                  Good For                  Not Good For

         •   Colds, fever, and flu   •   Anything that requires a
         •   Allergies                   hands-on exam
                                                                                 Accessing LiveHealth Online
         •   Sore Throat             •   Anything requiring a test             Register today so you’ll be ready to
         •   Headache                •   Cancer or other complex               use LiveHealth Online services when
         •   Stomach Ache                conditions                            you need them.
         •   and more!               •   Chronic conditions
                                     •   Sprains, broken bones,           
                                         or injuries requiring

                                                    Here’s How it Works:
                   Connecting to a US board certified doctor with your computer, phone, or mobile device is easy!

            Sign up online to use LiveHealth    Click on your selected doctor to   The doctor will review your health
           Online day, night, weekends, and        review your health issues     history, answer questions, assess your
                       holidays                                                      condition and even prescribe
                                                                                        medications if needed

         24/7 NurseLine: (800) 249-3617
         If you have a question about allergies, fever, types of preventive care, or any other topic, nurses are available to
         provide support and peace of mind.  Call the 24/7 NurseLine to speak with a registered nurse about your health
         concerns any time, any day.

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