Page 7 - HM Benefits Guide 2019 CA
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Online Enrollment
With PlanSource, you and your family will have access to your benefits
information 24/7/365. Use PlanSource to make your benefit elections,
locate providers, update your personal information, identify your
beneficiary, and to find important benefits documents.
To Enroll or Make Changes to Your Benefits
Log in to
• User Name: For first time users - the first initial of your first name, up to the first six
characters of your last name, and the last four of your SSN. For example: If your name is Jane
Anderson and the last four of your SSN is 1234, your username would be janders1234.
• Password: For first time users - your birthdate in YYYYMMDD format. For example: If
your birthdate is July 14, 1988, your password would be 19880714. Once you’re logged in,
PlanSource will ask you to change your password.
You will be prompted to change your password upon initial login.
After you’ve logged in, please review and update your personal information. Then follow each step of the
enrollment process from top to bottom. Once you’ve completed all of your coverage elections, you will
land on the Confirmation Statement. Click the “Confirm Enrollment” button at the bottom of the page
and you’re finished!
Don’t Forget!
Take advantage of our insurance carrier’s websites and mobile apps that provide
you access to network providers, manage your claims, obtain health and wellness
information and much more!
Insurance carrier website addresses are found on page 28.
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