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Health Advocate
As an employee of FotoKem, you have complete access to a Health Advocacy service at no cost to you. Health Advocate is designed
to help you and your family navigate healthcare and insurance-related issues, resolving problems that you may encounter. During
your first call, you will be assigned a Personal Health Advocate who will begin helping you right away. Personal Health Advocates
are typically registered nurses, supported by medical directors and benefits and claims specialists.
Health Advocate services include assistance with complex condi ons, finding specialists, addressing eldercare issues, clarifying
insurance coverage, working on claim denials, help with fee nego a on for non-covered services, and coordina on with con nuity
of care.
Health Advocate is independent and not affiliated with any insurance or third party provider. Health Advocate does not replace
health insurance coverage, provide medical care or recommend treatment. As an eligible employee, your spouse, dependent
children, parents and parents-in-law can call as o en as needed, at no cost to you. The staff at Health Advocate follows careful
protocols and complies with all government privacy standards. Your medical and personal informa on is strictly confiden al.
Accessing Health Advocate
For assistance, please call (866) 695-8622 or email
Dental Insurance
Aetna | PPO Dental Plan
With the Aetna Preferred Provider Organiza on (PPO) dental plan, you may visit a PPO den st and benefit from the nego ated
rate or visit a non-network den st. When you u lize a PPO den st, your out-of-pocket expenses will be less. You may also obtain
services using a non-network den st; however, you will be responsible for the difference between the covered amount and the
actual charges and you may be responsible for filing claims.
Aetna PPO
Dental Plan
Network Name PPO Network Non-Network
Dental Benefits
Calendar Year Maximum $1,500
Deduc ble (Annual)
- Individual $50 $50
- Family $150 $150
Preven ve (Plan Pays) 100% 100%
Deduc ble Waived Deduc ble Waived
Basic Services (Plan Pays) 100% 80%
Major Services (Plan Pays) 60% 50%
Orthodon a 50% to $1,000
Finding a Dental Provider
Go to h p:// and refer to the Dental PPO/PDN with PPOII network.