Page 7 - Wayfinders EE Guide 03-18
P. 7


         Medical Insurance

                                                    Anthem Blue Cross HMO                 Kaiser Permanente
         Plan Name                                       Select Network                          HMO
                                                       Traditional Network

         Health Benefits
         Office Visit Copay
          - Primary Care Physician                          $20 Copay                          $25 Copay
          - Specialist Office Visit                         $40 Copay                          $25 Copay
          - Urgent Care                                     $20 Copay                          $25 Copay
          - Inpatient                              $250/day, up to $750 max/admit              $500/admit
          - Outpatient                                   $125/procedure                      $250/procedure

         Lab and X-Ray                                      no charge                          $10 copay
                                                       ($100 copay / complex)             ($50 copay / complex)
         Emergency Services                                $150 Copay                          $100 Copay

         Preventive Care                                    no charge                          no charge
         Acupuncture                                        $20 copay                          $25 copay
         Chiropractic                                       $20 Copay                         Not Covered
                                                       60-day Period of Care

         Mental Health & Substance Abuse
          - Inpatient                              $250/day, up to $750 max/admit              $500/admit
          - Outpatient                                      $20 copay                          $25 copay
         Pharmacy Benefits
         Pharmacy Deductible                                   $0                                  $0

         Retail Pharmacy
          - Tier 1a                                         $5 Copay                           $15 Copay
          - Tier 1b                                         $15 Copay                             N/A
          - Tier 2                                          $25 Copay                          $35 Copay
          - Tier 3                                          $40 Copay                             N/A
          - Tier 4 (Specialty)                         30% Max $250 Copay                  30% Max $150 Copay
          - Supply Limit                                     30 Days                            30 Days
         Mail Order Pharmacy
          - Tier 1a                                        $12.50 Copay                        $30 Copay
          - Tier 1b                                        $37.50 Copay                           N/A
          - Tier 2                                          $75 Copay                          $70 Copay
          - Tier 3                                         $120 Copay                             N/A
          - Tier 4 (Specialty)                         30% Max $250 Copay                  30% Max $150 Copay
          - Supply Limit                              90 Days (Tier 4: 30 Days)                 100 Days
         *Anthem Blue Cross Preferred Generic Program: If a member requests a brand name drug when a generic drug version exists, the member pays the generic drug
         copay plus the difference in cost between the prescription drug maximum allowed charge for the generic drug and the brand name drug dispensed, but not more
         than 50% of our average cost for that type of prescription drug. The Preferred Generic Program does not apply when the physician has specified “dispense as
         written” (DAW) or when it has been determined that the brand name drug is medically necessary for the member. In such case, the applicable copay for the
         dispensed drug will apply.

         **Anthem  Blue  Cross  Non-Network  Pharmacy:  Members  using  a  non-network  pharmacy  will  be  responsible  for  in-network  pharmacy  copay  plus  50%  of  the
         remaining prescription drug maximum allowed amount & costs in excess of the prescription drug maximum allowed amount. Members will pay upfront and submit
         a claim form.
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