Page 16 - Hitachi Benefit Guide 1.31.2019
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Disability and Travel Assistance

       Short Term Disability | Cigna                         Travel Assistance Program | Cigna
       For employees who reside outside of California, Hitachi offers   Cigna Secure Travel® is a service arranged by Cigna to provide
       you Short Term Disability (STD) to provide income     a resource for all of your traveling needs. It provides a
       replacement if you become disabled due to accident, sickness   comprehensive range of information, referral, coordination,
       or pregnancy, through Cigna. If you experience a temporary   and arrangement services designed to respond to most
       disability, benefits begin 7 days after the start of your   medical care situations and many other emergencies you may
       accident, sickness or pregnancy. Short Term Disability works   have when you travel over 100 miles from home. It also offers
       with state disability programs, Social Security, and any other   pre-trip assistance and information from passport/visa
       group disability coverage, to provide you with a combined   requirements, foreign currency, and weather.
       weekly benefit equal to 55% of your pre-disability earnings up
       to a maximum benefit of $1,011 per week.              Secure Travel is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
                                                             Available services include destination information, emergency
       In California, employees have disability benefits (CASDI)   travel arrangements, lost/stolen travel documents assistance,
       through the State and share in the cost via payroll deduction.   legal referrals, emergency messages, emergency pet services,
       In HI, NJ and NY, the state requires the company to have a   medical evacuation, family member transportation, child
       statutory disability policy and you and the Company share in   transportation, transportation after stabilization, repatriation,
       the cost as permitted by law.                         medical/dental referrals, treatment monitoring, hospital
                                                             payment coordination, insurance information transfer,
       Long Term Disability | Cigna                          medication, vaccine or blood delivery, recovery arrangements,
       Long Term Disability (LTD) is an extremely important benefit   and missing baggage assistance.
       that helps protect your income should you become disabled.
       Hitachi Solutions offers you the opportunity to purchase Long      Accessing the Travel Assistance Program
       Term Disability protection at discounted group rates. If you      To access Cigna Secure Travel benefits, contact
       become disabled, benefits begin 180 days after the start of      (888) 226-4567 from the United Stated or Canada
       your illness or injury. Long Term Disability works with state      (202) 331-7635 from all other locations
       disability programs, Social Security, and any other group      (202) 331-1528 fax
       disability coverage, to provide you with a combined monthly via email
       benefit equal to:

        Option 1: 60% of your pre‐disability earnings to a maximum   *Please refer to Hitachi Solutions employee handbook for
                benefit of $5,000 per month                  process on applying for Short Term Disability.

        Option 2: 66 2/3% of your pre‐disability earnings to a
                maximum benefit of $12,500 per month

       Benefits paid are not taxable.

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