Page 17 - Hitachi Benefit Guide 1.31.2019
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Pet Insurance
Pet Insurance | Nationwide Two coverage options are available. Both plans include
Hitachi Solutions has exclusive Pet Health Insurance coverage coverage for office visits, procedures, medications and
through Nationwide Pet.. Pet insurance can help you pay medical more. You can visit any licenses veterinarian, veterinary
treatment costs for your pet’s accidents, illnesses and routine specialist or animal hospital. To receive reimbursements
medical care including surgeries, hospitalization, diagnostic tests, through Nationwide, fax or mail their easy-to-use claim
office visits, and prescriptions. If elected, you will own this policy from with your invoices. After meeting your policy’s
and pay premiums to Nationwide directly. deductible, you will be reimbursed 90% of the eligible
amount of the invoice.
You can purchase My Pet Protection, with or without additional
wellness coverage, for your dogs, cats, birds, reptiles and other
exotic pets. Some changes to point out is that they no longer How to Enroll
have an age limit and there is no price difference because a pet is
older. Nationwide will reimburse 90% of every eligible vet bill up • Dog or cat owners go to
to $7,500 a year, and employees can take their pet to any vet hitachi-solutions or call (877) 738-7874
they want. • Bird or exotic pet owners call (877) 738-7874
Identity Theft Services Team Member Perks
With Identity Protection Support Service through LifeLock, As a Hitachi Solutions team member, we have a wealth of
you’ll be better protected from the often devastating company perks including corporate discounts with Global
consequences of identity theft. If you suspect that you’re a Hitachi.
victim of identity theft, a toll-free call will put you in touch
with a professional fraud support Specialist. You’ll be assigned • Generous time off
a dedicated caseworker who’ll work with you step by step to • Flexible work hours
help you recover your identity as quickly and as easily as
possible. • Casual dress
• Tuition assistance, MCP, and Dynamics certifications
ID Theft Services | LifeLock • Professional Development program
• Well stocked snacks, beverages, coffee at offices
While there may be free resources through the employee
assistance plan, LifeLock offers more robust protection Through Global Hitachi, discounts are available through the
services. You may purchase a plan through LifeLock at following programs:
discounted group rates. Life Lock has plan options so you can
select the level of coverage that is best for you. • Wireless Discounts (AT&T, Sprint & Verizon)
• LifeLock Benefit Elite: This plan is aimed at helping you
protect your 401(k) and other investment accounts from • Hewlett-Packard, Lenovo, Dell and Apple Employee
Purchase Program
fraudulent withdrawals and balance transfers. Should a
potential fraud occur, LifeLock will bring it to your • Corporate Identity Products
attention. • Clarion Automotive Electronics
• LifeLock Ultimate Plus: This plan provides you with alerts • Hitachi Power Tools and Tanaka Power Equipment
if LifeLock finds new bank account applications and
attempts to take over your existing accounts. You’ll also • Automotive Discounts (Penske or Nissan, Infiniti,
Chrysler, Volvo, GM, Ford)
enjoy the convenience of online access to annual credit
reports from all three bureaus, monthly credit score • Office Depot
tracking and priority access to live US-based member • Working (separate registration required)
Detailed information on discounts are available online:
Accessing the Identity Theft Program
Login: GCRS2016
Identity Theft Services | LifeLock Password: Innovation16!
Go to or call (800) 416-0599. Employees can contact HR as the user id/password
may change.
Hitachi Solutions America Employee Benefits Guide | 2019 17