Page 8 - Project Thrive_2018_revUU
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Partners of the Shared Use Facility
Partners Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority North Carolina Wesleyan College VALUES
(Partial Listing)
Parents and Partners for
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity
a comprehensive assessment,
American Red Cross Educational Freedom • Accountability - We encourage
B.U.D.S. Foundation milestone, and measurement process
RiseUp/Golden Knights Athletics that ensures clear deliverables,
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority results, and responsibilities.
Rocky Mount Telegram
Edgecombe County Department
of Social Services Rocky Mount Engine Plant • Community - We value a collaborative
approach to holistic development with
Fruitland Baptist Bible College Strategic Twin County partners representing the public and
Educational Partnership
Hype Central, Inc private sectors.
The Wright Center for Adult Day
Kiwanis Club Rocky Mount Care Services • Equity - We believe that all people
Lifeline Screening of America Turning Point Workforce regardless of race, class, sexual
orientation, or religion should have
Nash Community College Development equal access to resources, networks,
Nash County Board of Elections United Way Tar River Region supports, and opportunities especially
Nash Healthcare Systems University of North Carolina at in health, income, education, and
Chapel Hill housing resulting in their ability to
Nash-Rocky Mount Public become productive citizens.
Schools System Upper Coastal Plains Council of
Governance • Sustainability - We strive to develop
NC Association of Referees replicable solutions so that
Wake Forest University
NC Department of Commerce future generations can maintain
Wilberforce University Alumni independence and have access to the
NC Justice Center
Working Moms Production resources necessary for their success.
NC MedAssist
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority
NC Syringe Exchange Program