Page 12 - Project Thrive_2018_revUU
P. 12
Performing Arts & Worship... 33,000 square feet
Center for Performing Arts & Worship
Addresses the lack of vibrancy in the area of fine arts in eastern North Carolina by providing a venue
offering opportunities in performance and musical theater.
5x The Arts improve
Lower dropout rate individual health
for students with high
participation in the Arts
1% 300%
Increase in employment Greater academic
in communities with a achievement for students
performing arts facility involved in the Arts
The Arts have a beneficial Liturgical dance performance, “Then & Now” The Arts improve
impact on the economy psychological well-being
Bottom Line
The Center will have a sustainable presence in arts education, dance, music, and performing arts for residents
of the Twin Counties and surrounding communities. The Center’s goal is to become a part of a movement in
youth development, ultimately bringing greater economic vitality to the rural economy through the creative
potential of the arts.
Data Sources: 1, 5, 7