Page 15 - Project Thrive_2018_revUU
P. 15
Faith, Family, & Personal Development...
9,500 square feet 13,500 square feet
Addresses the need to balance relationships with responsibilities and to establish the home as the basic
and fundamental building block of a thriving life. The family is our first school and our last school. In the
family, we are provided with security, identity, and values.
56% 42%
Edgecombe County children Nash County children living
living in single parent homes in single parent homes
25% 30% Center for Faith, Family, & Personal Development
Local adults lacking social More teen births in Nash
and emotional support County than US average
117% Marriage discussion panel 48%
More HIV cases in More teen births in
Edgecombe County than Edgecombe County than
NC average US average
Bottom Line
A community is comprised of thousands of family units. Just as one person in a family can damage the name of the entire
family, one family in a community can affect the reputation of an entire city and region. The Center will provide resources
and support in parenting, marriage, etiquette, community service, time management, work ethic, counseling, and other
support services and training opportunities.
Data Sources: 11, 15, 17, 18