Page 20 - Project Thrive_2018_revUU
P. 20

                  How can you                            of The Campaign to Thrive?
       Gifts & Support  The collective giving of the faith community, families, foundations, and firms supports the future economic, social, and
             Gifts and Support
             cultural life of eastern North Carolina.
                                                           Donor Opportunities
                                                                       Center for Leadership Development & Entrepreneurship
               Center for Performing Arts & Worship
               Center for Health & Wellness
                                                                       ($20,000 -  $49,999)
               ($2,000,000)                                            Vision Partner
               Center for Capacity Building                            Program Partner
               ($350,000)                                              ($5,000 - $19,999)
               Center for Culinary Arts & Hospitality                  Partner
               ($300,000)                                              ($1,000 - $4,999)
               Center for Media & Broadcast                            Commemorative Gifts
               ($150,000)                                              Give in memory of or to honor a loved one
               Center for Childhood Literacy & Development             Legacy Gifts
               ($100,000)                                              Make Word Tabernacle Church a partial beneficiary of an
                                                                       estate or insurance policy
               Center for College & Career Readiness
               ($75,000)                                               Ongoing Gifts
                                                                       Provide an annual gift for a multi-year period
               Center for Faith, Family, & Personal Development          One-Time Gifts
                                                                       Contribute a one-time financial gift of a designated sum
                            Make checks payable to:                                            Give online at:
                               The Impact Center
                                821 Word Plaza                    OR             
                            Rocky Mount, NC 27804                                           Select Thrive Fund
                            Attn: Campaign to Thrive
                     All financial gifts will be aesthetically displayed on our donor wall or with specific naming opportunities.
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