Page 6 - SJSV - School Scoop News Letter
P. 6

School Council

                         Nurturing the leaders of tomorrow.

      House Mistress - Diamond                            House Mistress - Emerald

   Mrs. Santhilakshmi. C    Mrs. Sejal Panchal               Mrs. Kavitha.B.C   Mrs. Prathika
       House Mistress - Ruby                                House Mistress - Sapphire

    Mrs. Bindu Vijay      Mrs. Meena Dinakar                 Mrs. Reena Anil          Mrs. Amali

               Head Boy                                                            Head Girl

                                     Kamal .S                    Swetha.C

                                                     Sports Captains
        Co-curricular Captains                       Sports Captains                   Eco Captain

     Advika Vinod        Karan Raj.S       Lokhind Krishna.N        Keerthana S        Niranjanan.K

      Cyber Awareness Captains                                             Head Prefects

   Chiranjeevi.M               Vibra T.P          Sivanesan.B        Vasundhara. V M    Shiva Adithiya. S

                                                                    September I  SJSV – School Scoops
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