Page 116 - MS Office 365 for Dummies 3rd Ed (2019)
P. 116

To sync a document library, click the Sync button from the Command bar. This action will fire up the OneDrive for Business app and will ask you to enter your Office 365 credentials. Follow the prompts to begin syncing your documents to your hard drive.
Encouraging interaction with ratings
Similar to using the “Like” feature in Facebook, SharePoint users can quickly express their opinion of documents in a library through a rating system. Ratings — either a like or a star — can be used to create views, such as displaying items with the highest number of stars or likes. If you own the content, the ratings give you insights for improvement.
To set up the rating system in your document library, follow these steps:
1. Fromyourdocumentlibrary,clickthesettingsiconnexttoyourprofile icon in the top-right corner of your screen.
2. ClickLibrarySettings.
3. UndertheGeneralSettingsgroup,clickRatingSettings.
4. SelectYesundertheRatingSettingslabel.
5. SelecteitherLikesorStarRatingsforthevoting/ratingexperience.
6. ClickOK.
Back in the document library settings page, you will notice that three new columns have been added to the library (see Figure 7-2).
When the rating system is set up, the default view of the document library will display either a series of stars or the word Like. Each unique user can vote once. When the vote is submitted, it is averaged with other ratings. Figure 7-3 shows an example of a document library with ratings enabled.
Sharing documents from Word Online
Office Online, the cloud version of the Microsoft Office suite, is great for on-the- go quick editing and collaboration. When you want to use the robust set of fea- tures and functionalities in the Office suite, it’s easy to switch to the desktop version right from the browser.
Let’s say, for example, you’re working on a document with your colleagues for your next product release. You’ve uploaded the document in your SharePoint doc- ument library and now you want to share it with your colleagues so you can all work on the document at the same time. Here’s what you need to do:
100 PART3 ExploringSharePointOnline

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