Page 130 - MS Office 365 for Dummies 3rd Ed (2019)
P. 130

» Farm topology management: At some point, a SharePoint farm will need to be updated to address current needs. Farm topology management tasks include adding or removing a web or application server, adding a database, renaming a server, and managing the search topology.
Multitenancy explained
In a multitenancy (multiple users on the same server) environment, a SharePoint farm is architected in such a way that it serves the needs of multiple client orga- nizations. This means that the farm is sliced into subsets that are deployed indi- vidually for clients and tenants who then manage their own tenancy. This model gives you, as a business owner, the ability to run your business the way you want to and leave the IT–related tasks to Microsoft.
For example, as a tenant, you have full control to manage how your content, prod- uct, service, marketing collateral, and any other information that you want to manage on the Tenant Administration level (see Figure 8-1), are categorized or classified. In SharePoint-speak, this process defines your taxonomy. A taxonomy is just a fancy name for how you organize the terms you will use throughout your site. Defining your taxonomy upfront establishes naming standards to achieve consistency and content discoverability.
      FIGURE 8-1:
Breakdown of SharePoint Online Administration levels.
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