Page 255 - MS Office 365 for Dummies 3rd Ed (2019)
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After you purchase Office 365 For Home, you can begin using it. Your main land- ing page is always, which you can open in any browser. For help, open in your browser and check out the excellent documentation for the apps and the products contained within your Office 365 subscription.
Getting Started with Office 365 For Business Plans
The initial process for purchasing a For Business plan is very similar to the pro- cess for purchasing a For Home plan. However, the similarities end there; many of the For Business plans contain advanced software that you will need to plan for and administer. This is such software as SharePoint, Exchange, and Teams.
To purchase a For Business plan, follow these steps:
1. Openyourfavoritewebbrowserandnavigatetohttps://products.
2. ClicktheForBusinessbuttontoseethebusiness-basedOffice365plans.
3. DecidewhichplanfitsyourneedsandclicktheBuyNowbutton.
Within the business plans, a major choice you will need to make is whether to go with the small and medium business plans or the enterprise plans. For more information on these plans, see Chapter 18.
4. Followthepurchasingwizardtocompleteyourpurchase.
5. HeadovertoyourOffice365portalat
sign in with your Microsoft account as shown in Figure 19-2.
Here, you can read about your Office 365 subscription and get things set up.
Purchasing an initial Office 365 For Business plan is just the beginning. Because you’re managing a business, you will need to add users, add licensing, configure the services you’re planning to use, migrate data, add your organization’s domain, build out your intranet portal, train people, and generally get everything set up and ready to go. You do all of this from your main Office 365 portal at https://
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