Page 256 - MS Office 365 for Dummies 3rd Ed (2019)
P. 256
FIGURE 19-2:
The Office 365 portal after signing up for a business plan.
Getting Users Ready for Office 365
Microsoft Office 365 is easy to use and has very intuitive interfaces. However, that doesn’t mean that you can just turn it on and tell everyone to “go wild.” Although you may be familiar with the Microsoft Office products, understanding how these same products integrate and the value that results from that integration is critical in increasing productivity and boosting efficiency. To get users ready for the plunge, you need to start with training and follow up with a support system so that everyone knows where to go when they need help.
We recommend using a simple formula known as the tell, show, do method. Here’s what you do:
1. TellpeoplehowOffice365works.
2. Showeveryonehowitworkswithalivedemo.
3. Letpeoplegettheirhandsdirtyanddoitontheirown.
This strategy works great for all types of technology training.
The Office 365 product is made up of a basket of products. These products include the Microsoft Office productivity suite, SharePoint Online, Exchange Online, and Teams. The different plans that make up Office 365 include various permutations of product features. For example, in order to get Microsoft Office with your plan, you need to purchase one of the plans that includes licensing to
240 PART6 PreparingtoMove