Page 10 - Happily Ever Younger Program Brochure
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Our Gift to You
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**Special bonus applies to programs purchased on the official Happily Ever Younger Website.
Super Athlete Tom Brady
s a special bonus** we are including a two month sub- Introducing Dr. Naomi Miller
Ascription to BrainHQ, a cutting-edge online brain
training program designed by a team of neuroscientists. Blaze Sparkers International
Think of it as a gym for working out your brain. Because just
as our bodies need exercise, so do our brains – especially as
we age! BrainHQ sets the gold standard in brain training r. Naomi Miller had the distinct privilege of growing up in Loma Linda, California, one
as evidenced by well over 100 peer-reviewed research arti- Dof the world’s five Blue Zones where people live much longer than average. Passionate
cles demonstrating the benefits of this program. Some of the about helping others live happier, healthier, fuller lives,
benefits to older adults include: and with a strong desire to specialize in health, well-
Some Scientifically Proven Benefits of BrainHQ Brain Training ness, and lifestyle interventions, she earned a Doctor-
ate in health from Loma Linda University. She is also in
◆ Up to 48% lower risk of developing dementia over possession of a Master’s Degree in International Health,
the course of 10 years. a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology, and is a Li-
◆ 38% lower risk of developing depression. censed Marriage and Family Therapist. Dr. Miller has
◆ Safer driving as demonstrated by a 50% decrease in taught numerous university courses both in the United
at-fault driving accidents. States and abroad, and has spent a significant portion
◆ Older at-risk drivers were 70% less likely to quit of her career developing and delivering a wide-range of
driving over a period of 10 years. cutting-edge programs around the globe. She treasures
◆ An average improvement of 10 years in memory. her students and hopes that they will be as inspired by
nd while much of the BrainHQ research has been conducted on older adults, BrainHQ all the exciting new research in the fields of health, pos-
itive psychology, and neuroscience, as she herself is. As
Abrain training is applicable to adults of all ages who wish to sharpen their minds and im- you will soon see, one has far more control over one’s
prove their mental skills. For example, super-athlete Tom Brady trains with BrainHQ to help happiness, health, and, most astonishingly, one’s rate
him maintain his competitive edge! And so, happy brain training to you! of aging than was ever before realized! There has truly
What do the two individuals above have in common with super-athlete Tom Brady? never been a better time to be getting older.