Page 8 - Happily Ever Younger Program Brochure
P. 8

Session 4:  The World is Your Oyster!

                                                                                                                                    he  world  is  your  oyster  no  matter  your  age!  Need
                                                                                                                               Tproof?? No problem! In this session you will be intro-
                                                                                                                               duced to three Inspirationals who dared to define their age.
                                                                                                                               You'll meet one nun, and two grandmas — one who started
                             Program Content Overview                                                                          painting (and became famous!) in her late 70s, and another

                                                                                                                               who graduated from law school at the age of 83! And not only
                                                                                                                               that but you'll learn how you can apply some of their secrets to

               Session 1:  Age Ain’t Nothing but a Number                                                                      your own life. So sit back, relax, and learn how to build your-

                   repare to be inspired. The stage is set. Let the magic begin! This session will force you                   self some new brain cells. Then put on your kickiest pair of
                                                                                                                               shoes and get ready to step out of your comfort zone.
               Pto question all the assumptions you’ve ever made about aging. We have MUCH MORE
               CONTROL OVER OUR RATE OF AGING than ever before realized. Prepare to break free                                              8 Weeks to a Happier Healthier You!
               of the cage of age! You will leave the session with the realization that age is indeed but a number
               that’s up to YOU to define.                                                                                                         

               Session 2:  Rejuvenate Your Brain, Revolutionize Your Life!

                    he discovery of neuroplasticity is truly a game changer as far as aging is concerned. And
               Tnot only that, but it changes everything as far as optimal human functioning is concerned                      Session 5:  MIND Your Diet
               AT ANY AGE! In this session you will learn exactly what neuroplasticity is, and what it means                         id you know that food is extraordinarily POWERFUL? So powerful in fact that it
               for you personally. You will not only leave this session enthused and inspired, but you will have  Dcan prevent many diseases, reverse many diseases, and can quite literally make you

               in your possession the very same exciting cutting-edge tool that super athlete Tom Brady                        YOUNGER! In this session you will be introduced to a brand new, easy-to-follow diet that
               uses to help maintain his competitive edge. A tool that will sharpen your mind and propel                       has been scientifically shown to keep your brain young, sharp, vibrant, and healthy. And not
               you on your way to reversing the aging process and becoming Happily Ever Younger!                               only that, but it can actually reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer's Disease by over

               Session 3:  The Pillars of YOUth                                                                                50%! By the end of the session you will know exactly how to eat your way to good health.
                   his series wouldn't be complete without intro-                                                              Session 6:  Seize More Zzzzs!

              Tducing you to the exciting research on which it                                                                     o how have YOU been sleeping lately?? If you're like millions of people around the
              is based! So this is the week!  In this session you will                                                         Sworld, odds are you're experiencing some kind of sleep problem. Cause see in this modern
              be taken on a journey from aging as inevitable decay                                                             age in which we live, people are getting less sleep than ever!  But the good news is that
              and decline, to aging as an opportunity for renewed                                                              there are steps that you can take this very night to help you sleep better! Yes, my friend,
              growth and development. Those of you who enjoy the                                                               you CAN seize more Zzzzs, and this session will help you to do just that.
              "science-y" side of things will gobble this session right                                                        Sessions 7 & 8:  5 More Secrets to Happily
              up! And to those who would rather tinker about on the
              margins of science, worry not! You will find that we                                                                  et ready for another adventure! In the final 2 sessions

              have made a real effort to present the studies in a fun,                                                         Gyou’ll  discover  some  scientifically  proven  ways
              creative, and practical manner. You are guaranteed to                                                            to become happier. Travel with us to one of the world’s
              leave this session with a much greater understand-                                                               happiest countries and learn how to apply some of their
              ing of the process of aging and how to reverse it.                                                               “Happiness Secrets” to your own life. So grab your pass-
                                                                                                                               port, here we go!
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