Page 3 - Happily Ever Younger Program Brochure
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Dementia is the main form of disability in older adults. One in DEFEAT DEMENTIA!
3 seniors die with Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia, and
sadly these numbers are rising. Over 50% of Americans FALSELY believe that cognitive
THE GLOBAL DEMENTIA CRISIS decline is a normal part of the ageing process— despite the
abundance of scientific evidence that indicates otherwise.
In the past two decades, while deaths from heart disease And unfortunately, those who believe cognitive decline to be inev-
have decreased by 9%, deaths from Alzheimer’s dis- itable are far less likely to engage in the health promoting be-
haviors necessary to prevent cognitive decline and dementia.
ease have INCREASED by a whopping 145%! ENTER...
The world is aging at an astonishing rate! There are currently
over seven billion people in the world, with over 600 mil-
lion (or 8.5%) being 65 years of age or older. And aston-
ishingly, this number is projected to increase by more
than 60% in just 15 years! This shift in the world’s
population is leading to a number of challenges,
not least of which is the dramatic increase in de- Rejuvenate Your Brain.
mentia and other forms of cognitive impairment
— which includes the dreaded Alzheimer’s Dis-
ease. And unfortunately, cognitive impairment is Revolutionize Your Life!
extremely common in older people, so much so that
dementia is the main form of disability in older adults.
The sad truth is that 1 in 3 seniors dies with Alzheimer’s
or other forms of dementia, and these numbers appear to be
rising, such that Alzheimer’s disease is the 6th leading cause of
death in the United States. In fact, in the past two decades deaths
from heart disease have decreased by 9%, whereas deaths from
Alzheimer’s disease have INCREASED by 145%! And while mil-
lions of dollars have been poured into trying to find a cure, there is
no pharmaceutical remedy at this time. Needless to say the per-
sonal and economic impact of cognitive decline and dementia is
staggering. In the United States alone Alzheimer’s and other dementias
cost the nation $290 billion. By 2050, these costs could rise as high as $1.1
trillion, potentially increasing Medicare costs by 365% to $589 billion. Un-
less something is done, Alzheimer’s and dementia pose an enormous
threat to individuals, communities, and entire healthcare systems!