Page 5 - Happily Ever Younger Program Brochure
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What is Happily Ever Younger?
appily Ever Younger is a program designed for anyone who
Hwants to improve their overall health and happiness, with everse the aging
a special focus on those who want to REVERSE THE AGING Rprocess and live
PROCESS and live healthier longer! It’s completely based on
scientific research and combines the latest in health, positive healthier longer. We GROW HAPPIER GROW HEALTHIER GROW YOUNGER
psychology and neuroscience to completely shatter the tradition- will show you scien- Learn how to translate the Learn scientifically proven Neuroplasticity is a game-changer
al views and assumptions about aging – namely that physical and tifically proven ways latest positive psychology ways to energize your body, as far as aging and optimal func-
mental decline are a normal and inevitable part of the aging pro- to become happier, research into a happier, sharpen your mind, and tioning is concerend. Learn how
cess. The exciting discovery of neuroplasticity, which is truly a healthier, more joyful you. nourish your soul. to harness its tremendous power.
game-changer as far as aging and optimal human functioning is healthier, and yes,
concerned, is a running theme throughout the entire series. By even younger! Your brain can be rejuvenated at ANY age!
demonstrating that the brain can be rejuvenated and the ag-
ing process can be reversed at any age, Happily Ever Younger We will show you how during our exciting 8 week online program,
seeks to inspire and motivate people (especially seniors), to take
control of their own aging process and to live happier, healthier, which is completely based on the latest scientific research.
more joyful and abundant lives!
Over 20 Creative Science-Based Videos Included!
This course is truly revolutionary, both in content and presentation
style. It’s completely science-based, yet presented in a fun, creative,
inspiring, practical and entertaining way.
2-Minute Reviews
A short review is included after
each of the featured videos to
help program participants retain
the information learned.
HEY You!
...which stands for Happily Ever
Rejuvenate Your Brain. Younger YOU, is a short video in-
cluded at the end of each weekly
Revolutionize Your Life! session in which program partic-
ipants apply the material to their
own lives.