Page 25 - RAF Magazine
P. 25




               From there I did my training at RAF Cosford near   What are you most proud of?
               Wolverhampton and after about eight months I got my first   I’m most proud of achieving my degree as I never dreamed
               posting in North Yorkshire.                    I’d be able to do that. I studied whilst still working full-time
                                                              with two children and I lost my father while I was doing it,
               What was it like as a woman joining the RAF?   but I still managed to get a distinction thanks to the support
               You’d get a few men wondering if you were up to the job,   of my family and work colleagues.
               because my job is quite physical. But as soon as they
               realised that I could do it, and do it well, they were fine. If   Your husband is also in the RAF. How hard is it to have a
               anything, talking to some of my friends that work in industry,   family and be part of the Air Force?
               it’s definitely less sexist in the RAF. I have had to be a bit   Our kids are 15 and 11 and I have a 24-year-old stepson, so
               more prepared with things like my hair, because I relax it   it does need some juggling. I do a lot of planning. The RAF
               and sometimes you’re in places where you just can’t get   can send me to places where there’s a need but I can also
               those products. But we don’t all have to have a crew cut!   request placements. I’ve commuted at times, we’ve moved
                                                              as a family at times. Our children are in boarding school,
               And how have you found it as a person of Caribbean   which the RAF helps pay for. There is a lot of support.
               At first, there were times when I felt I stood out – I could be   Have you found yourself in many dangerous situations?
               in a room of people where I was the only black person, but   The training we receive is so rounded, and the RAF doesn’t
               to be honest I think some of that was due to my own feelings   put people in danger unnecessarily. Even in bomb disposal
               about it. Now you do see more people from a similar   you go to whatever is there, but because of the training you
               background to mine and also there’s that realisation that   know how to deal with it, and you know you’ve always got
               actually nobody is looking at you. In fact, the RAF has always   back-up.
               been quite a diverse place.
                                                              What does the centenary mean to you?
               What opportunities has the RAF afforded you?   It’s such a great achievement that we’re still here 100
               When I joined I had four O-Levels and now I’ve got a BTEC in   years on: when we first started there were people that were
               Engineering and a BA in Business and Enterprise, book-  sceptical that the RAF would last. I’ve been part of it for
               keeping qualifications, I can drive plant equipment, and it’s   more than a quarter of its existence. We are really proud of
               mostly all funded by the RAF. The RAF believes in growing   our history and the fact that we can go on to inspire the
               the whole person. I’ve been to the Middle East and the   next generation.
               Balkans. I’ve been sailing, rowing, kneeboarding, cycling
               in Scotland, horse riding in Italy, bobsleighing down the   What advice would you give to a budding recruit?
               Olympic track in Lillehammer, swimming with dolphins in   It’s a great way of life, to have new experiences that some
               Oman…                                          have only dreamed of, to travel the world, try new sports,
                                                              gain qualifications and make friends – all while being paid.

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