Page 26 - RAF Magazine
P. 26

ADVERTORIAL                                                                                                            ADVERTORIAL

                                    ‘We have found   a ful  lling careerWe have found   a ful  lling career

                                                              in the RAF,  you can too!’


                                    SHEP MATUNGAMIRE HEP MATUNGAMIRE
                                   My name is Squadron Leader Shep y name is Squadron Leader Shep   There are lots of diverse roles on o  er
                                Matungamire and I am a Communications
                                Matungamire and I am a Communications
                  Engineer currently based at HQ Air Command and working in a   at the Royal Air Force. Meet some of the
                  newly formed organisation called the Rapid Capabilities O   ce.    individuals working in these exciting jobs…
                  I was speci  cally chosen to be the   rst Comms Engineer
                  within this organisation and my role is to engage, in  uence   oday’s modern Royal Air Force is the UK’s aerial,
                  and provide subject matter expertise to enable the e  ective   peacekeeping and   ghting force. It’s made up of impressive
                  exploitation of Communication Information Systems for the   full-time Regulars and spare-time Reservists who come
                  prosecution of Air operations in support of the War  ghter.    from hugely diverse backgrounds and work side-by-side to
                  I have had a challenging, interesting and diverse working  Tmake a di  erence at home and abroad. When it comes to
                  experience during my 15 years in the RAF, namely within the   recruitment our focus is on attracting the best personnel, and ensuring
                  Cyber, Electronic Warfare, Radar and Space environment.  I   that they’re well taken care of during and after the service in the RAF.
                  am in a position to make or in  uence change, which has been   The unique skills and values that diverse individuals bring to the RAF are
                  exciting, rewarding and ful  lling.              an essential facet of our business and underpin all we do. Whether at
                                                                   home supporting our communities or overseas on operations, we know
                                                                   that our true strength lies in the diversity of our people. Whatever your
                       HUMAN RESOURCES                             academic background, there are a range of great opportunities in the
                                                                   RAF. Some require minimal quali  cations; others require specialist skills,
                                                                   higher quali  cations and/or a degree.
                                        B                            The RAF has more than 50 available roles and multiple career
                                        BERNICE DZEKASHUERNICE DZEKASHU
                                         I am Senior Aircraftwoman m Senior Aircraftwoman
                                         I a                       development opportunities. We employ everyone from Chefs and
                                          Bernice Dzekashu.  Before I   Photographers, to Cyberspace Communications Systems Technicians,
                                          Bernice Dzekashu.  Before I
                                           joined the Royal Air Force,
                                           joined the Royal Air Force,   Linguists, Doctors and Pilots.
                                           I already had an MBA in
                                           I already had an MBA in   One route to joining is as an RAF Apprentice – this o  ers you
                                           Finance and Accounting
                                           Finance and Accounting   the chance to gain a UK-recognised trade quali  cation as part of a
                                           from the University
                                           from the University     challenging and unique career. The RAF is a Top 100 apprenticeship
                                          of Wales. I am also a
                                          of Wales. I am also a    provider, has the best apprenticeship completion rate of any national
                                         part-quali  ed chartered   employer (over 99%) and is rated ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted.  Not only
                                         part-quali  ed chartered
                                        accountant with just one
                                        accountant with just one   will you gain a civilian-recognised professional quali  cation, but upon
                                      course left to complete my
                                      course left to complete my   completion you’ll also have a guaranteed job in your chosen   eld.
                                   chartered accounting programme   You’ll receive the very best training and as well as getting paid to learn,
                                   chartered accounting programme
                  with ACCA (Association of Chartered Certi  ed Accountant).    the chance to travel the world, play sport and perform a vital national
                  The RAF has been supportive and keen to invest in me. I am   role. Alternatively, should you have the appropriate quali  cations, you
                  now considering commissioning, to send a message to a lot   could apply for a Commission and become an O   cer in a wide range of
                  of highly skilled and experienced civilians like you, that there   branches including Engineering, Intelligence, Air Battle Manager, or Air
                  is a career in the RAF, which is just as rewarding (if not more)   Tra   c Control, among many others.
                  as any in civvy street. My decision to join the RAF has been   Whatever your role, the Royal Air Force is committed to investing in
                  one of the best decisions of my life.  My   tness and lifestyle   every one of its truly valued personnel.
                  has greatly improved and every day I proudly wear my uniform
                  knowing that I am serving this great country.     TO FIND OUT MORE   Please visit our website
                  IPHIE MODU
                  I am Flight Lieutenant Iphie Modu. I started   time was that because I loved the law and
                  my Royal Air Force career in 2004 as a part-time   the military, it made perfect sense to
                  Reservist with No 600 (City of London) RAuxAF   combine the two.  My interests include
                  Squadron, RAF Northolt.  Following a call to the   social justice, youth work and community
                  Bar of England and Wales in 2009 I joined the   development.  I also enjoys poetry, amateur
                  RAF Legal Branch in 2014.  My rationale at the     eld hockey and fencing.
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