Page 5 - Powerlist 2020
P. 5

We congratulate these

                 inspirational role models

                                                        hen Powerful Media        success and for this reason we
                                                        launched its bold, new    recruit and hire the best talent from
                                               Widea of creating a                across the industry.  Our people,
                                               list of high-achieving, successful   who represent the full spectrum
                                               black British professionals to     of diversity, help us serve clients
                                               shine a light on this talent with   all over the world and because of
                                               hopes to inspire others, J.P. Morgan   this diversity we know that we are
                                               was a passionate supporter.        able to better provide services,
                                               Thirteen years on, and many        greater innovation and bring fresh
                                               inspiring success stories later, J.P.   perspectives to what we do every
                                               Morgan is delighted to still be    day for our clients.
                                               supporting the Powerlist.          Last year we established the
                                               Year after year, the men and       Advancing Black Leaders
                   VISWAS RAGHAVAN             women featured on the Powerlist    programme in EMEA to help us
                                               demonstrate a standard of
                    CHIEF EXECUTIVE            unrivalled excellence, determined   attract, hire, advance and retain
                        OFFICER,               perseverance and a depth of        top black talent in furtherance of
                     EUROPE MIDDLE             character that is truly inspirational.   our commitment to diversity and
                   EAST AND AFRICA             They are role models not only      inclusion and with an understanding
                  J.P. MORGAN CHASE            for our future black leaders, but   that diversity and inclusion just
                                               for aspiring professionals of all   makes good business practice.
                                               backgrounds working to make        We believe that the twin levers of
                                               their mark in the world of business.   diversity and inclusion can be used
                                               It’s never been more important     to continually improve the quality of
                                               to celebrate the diversity that the   the services we bring to our clients
                                               Powerlist finalists and winners    when employees are supported in
                                               exemplify. Each of these individuals   reaching their full potential.
                                               embodies the value of              Through our Advancing Black
                                               diversity in all aspects of        Leaders programme, we are
                                               professional life. J.P. Morgan     aiming to impact all levels of talent
                                               offers warm congratulations to     at our firm and we’re excited to
                                               each and every person featured     collaborate with many in the market
                                               on this year’s list.               who are currently working to ensure
                                               At J.P. Morgan, we know that       that black talent is nurtured and
                                               our people are at the core of our   advancing.
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