Page 7 - Powerlist 2020
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Celebrating the power
of sharing stories
s the Global Diversity that ethnic minority colleagues
Partner at Linklaters, I am face common challenges in
Aproud to be among those their careers, for reasons that
introducing the 2020 edition of the have nothing to do with merit or
Powerlist. aptitude.
We know that our differences As a firm we have been
make us a better law firm. Our intentional about driving change
diversity enables us to attract in this area. To help educate our
the best talent, drive innovation, people about the experiences of
and deliver the best experience ethnic minority colleagues, we have
to everyone who comes into launched a number of programmes
contact with us. That’s why being including Reverse Mentoring and
DAVID MARTIN a leader in Diversity & Inclusion is the Inspire programme. These have
GLOBAL DIVERSITY an integral part of our firm’s vision helped our partners and directors
PARTNER and strategy. As a responsible gain a deeper understanding of the
business, it is important to us perspectives of those often
that we represent the diversity of under-represented at senior levels
our people, our clients and our of the firm, ultimately helping
communities, and that we create an to create a culture of inclusion in
inclusive culture in which everyone our firm.
– regardless of background,
identity and circumstance – can We know the importance of
reach their full potential. role models and the power of
sharing stories and this is one of
Race & Ethnicity is one of the five
priority strands set out in the firm’s the reasons why we are proud to
global D&I strategy. We recognise support the Powerlist.
that this is an important issue for I would like to offer my
our firm and the legal industry, and congratulations to everyone on this
we know from external research year’s list.