Page 48 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 48

I asked Bria where the bacon was                      Sean was stocking items in Dairy and I did not see the size
            and she walked me back there to                       eggs I liked. I asked Sean are they no longer stocking x-large
            the section. We were chatting                         or Jumbos anymore and he kindly answered me and told
            and she walked me back up and                         me they had some in the back. He went and picked up 2
            also opened a register to check                       cartons for me, although he was not going to stock that size
            me out. I felt very taken care of.                    until later. He could have just as easily told me that was out
            Great service.  #3455 Chicago                         was all Jewel had. Instead he took the extra step to provide
                                                                  quality customer service. I left the dairy with a smile on my
                                                                  face.  #3432 Round Lake

           I had initially requested a pineapple filling cake through Deja and was
           given further courteous direction that ultimately led me to Allysha. I                Just want to thank the pharmacy staff
           was advised that pineapple filling was not available and that it was not              Erika R. and Matt and thank them for
           a popular item in the Morris bakery. Allysha took the initiative to seek              providing such exemplary service.
           out pineapple filling and placed a bakery inventory order immediately.                They were fast, smart and so on
           I placed my order and received my pineapple filling/white coconut                     point!!!
           frosting cake and was highly satisfied with my experience. Both bakers                Thank you so much! #3290 Melrose
           deserve commendations. Thank you and keep up the good work.                           Park
           #3741 Morris
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