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P. 113

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive:

            The  beastly  giant  barely  heard  me  because  I  was  tiny  compared.  I
         gathered it and heard something because it was looking up and down and
         from left to the right trying to see where the sound was coming.
            Reluctantly, just like a collision course, I realized who the giant was, a
         satanic soldier guarding us from escaping- I was in the pit of hell. In that

         same moment, the giant saw me and then grabbed me and threw me in
         the  middle  of  the  hole,  as  if  I  were  a  rag  doll  in  the  giant  grasps.  I
         landed miles from the muddy wall. The giant monster made it harder for
         me to get out.  I  experienced  the  feared  punishment  the  others were  so
         afraid of, the reason they were still. After, I got out the muddy pit; I could
         have escaped, if only I had remained quiet and silently walked away.

                                      S u m m a r y

         In the dream I almost escaped, hell. However, the real hell, there will be

         no escaping. Hell is eternal suffering, devastation, and detachment. I am
         doing everything, faithfully, in my power not to follow Satan into eternal
         hell. Saved because I have faith in God.
            I do faithful works. I am a light that shines in dark places compared
         to my previous life of sin. Writing this book is an act of faith. I would
         have never thought I could accomplish such a goal if I did not have faith.

         Especially with my background, I thought my life was over. Yet, through
         faith, I trusted God and continued forwards. The Holy Scriptures say, “I
         could do all things through Christ Jesus,” Philippians 4:13. He has forgiven
         the repentant, those who asked for forgiveness. I am not planning on going
         to the pit of a muddy hell.

            This dream occurred in the same church of the physical torment, #33.

                                  T h e  H e l l  D r e a m

         As for this dream of hell, also, I dream of heaven. Before I started trusting

         in Christ Jesus, again, my life was a living hell.

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