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P. 115
The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive:
had looked through my textbook, obviously her. She had a wonderful time
talking about the answer in my book while laughing. I wrote temporary
answers in pencil, I was going to change the answers.
I realized she was a Satanic Soldier. Next, I had this dream being in hell.
The instructor was surely the giant guarding the exit of hell. If I cannot stay
in the church to spiritually, grow because people are being cruel to me just
to scare me away. I could not escape the temptation of the world. The same
way, I could not escape the hole of hell. Eventually, I could not take any
more and I dropped her class. I saw her several times in church service. I
finished the rest of the year and eventually left that church. I wanted to be
patient. I hope never to return to that church, Lord willing.
1 Corinthians 12:10,
To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning
of spirits; to another diver’s kind of tongues; to another the interpretation of
The teacher was a Jezebel. This dream was confirmation that something
was not right with that woman. She was a satanic soldier on a mission from
hell. I discern her spirit correctly. I know how important it is to God that
we fellowship with one another. I held out in church long as possible. I
could not take further torment.
This dream helps me remember; I receive the gift of discernment. I had
the opportunity to discern.