Page 118 - Computer Screem Embede
P. 118
The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive:
appear to be rushing to clock in for work. It was like; I transmuted from a
resident to a business place.
S u m m a r y
At first, I interpreted this dream to mean I was going to be the first female
governor of African- American descent of California, and one-day I was
going to live in Sacramento, California.
I had faithfully believed God could perform a miracle to make me an
elected official or give me the leadership position. Although, I had
neither a High School Diploma nor College Degree nor employment
history. Nevertheless, today, I clearly believe this dream was a prophetic
look into the future of the first African American President of the United
States. The elected president of Change.
I am African American in this dream only symbolized; the first man of
African descent will be president. The governor’s mansion clearly symbolized
the White House. The men and women headed to work symbolized the
White House staff members. At the time of this dream, I did not realize
the White House was an office for employees. I had assumed it was
the Presidential residence, only.
I saw this prophecy of the first president in a concealed manner. My
theory: I would have told people; it would have appeared that I was
campaigning for him. Some may think they were doing God a service and
voted for him because I foresee him winning from a divine encounter.
I only remember this dream after the election. So that I keep my mouth
shut. This was the safest path for me. I find it funny that I thought I was
going to become governor. I foresee this dream for a mysterious reason.
Yet, this prophetic dream had been a spiritual gift from God. These dreams
are wondrous, awesome, amazing, a witness of heaven. They always make
me feel special.