Page 178 - Christ Jesus is Alive
P. 178
The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive:
Parables are clever ways to drive home a deeper point and to show great
wisdom and understanding. This plant doctrine reminds me of a parable.
E v a n g e l i s m
Are Humankind Plants! Those people who spoke with me were doing similar
work as an evangelist. They do revivals, they preach and teach they are sent
by the Holy Spirit. Their field of work is world conquest for the salvation
of Christ Jesus. Their workplace is the God’s vineyard. All may or may not
be preachers in the church, yet they hold in salvation of humankind. We all
have an obligation to herald the good news of salvation through the blood
of Jesus Christ. To do the work of the evangelist, 2 Timothy 4:5. Part of
my salvation came from visiting evangelists, free leaflets given out, church
attendance, a multiple of happening- An army of people. When the Lord
calls you, various random people may come with the same message.
In this radical message, planted is used to convey a deep message,
with a hope that the listener would understand the importance of church
A babe in Christ eventually will allegorically grow by becoming wise in
knowledge and understanding.
Seeds grow after watering. The message is like the watering of the seed.
The seed is the person that needs to mature. Growth comes by hearing the
Word of God, water. The church is like soil, we sit in church, and the seed
planted in dirt- is soil. We are the seeds planted in church- the soil. The
person, the plant, the church, the soil. The message preached is the water.
We listen for spiritual growth! In addition, read the bible and attended
other church meetings for greater growth.
H o s t i l i t y a n d S c h i s m
After, I joined a church; I faced hostility, torment, and schism, by other
churchgoers. They symbolize weeds, bugs, mildew, and much more to
destroy my spiritual growth. To pluck and uproot me a similar plant.