Page 181 - Christ Jesus is Alive
P. 181
The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive:
S a t a n A t t e n d s C h u r c h .
I heard people say Satan attends church. I have witnessed the wolves in
sheep’s clothing, in church, Matthew 7:15. If Satan’s army succeeds in
running you out of the safety of the church, he stands a greater chance of
redeeming your soul. I wanted to mature some before I left the church; I
was getting all I could, spiritually.
T h e S w o r d
The word of God, the Holy Bible, is like an invisible sword. Mature by
attending bible studies and do bible studies at home. Memorize scriptures
by applying them to your life. Keep a small or large holy bible with you,
whichever size is convenience; it is like a powerful sword.
Stay in the narrow lane, not the wide road that leads to destruction. The
Lord has miraculously seen a path of success; he opens doors, no one can
shut, Matthew 7: 13-14. Continue to Movie forward towards the light.
The light is Christ Jesus. In the light is victory. I have faced opposition
in the church, yet through Christ Jesus, I endured, and I have spiritually
grown. To follow God infinitely. The journey is not easy but tedious. The
Lord will give crowns and awards at His return, Revelation 22:12. Heaven
awaits, seeing the Lord is worth the battle and struggle.
S h a k e H a n d s o r H o l y K i s s e s
2 Corinthians 13:12,
Greet one another with a holy kiss.
T h e H a n d s h a k e
Which way should Christians greet one another, by shaking hands or with
the holy kiss! The bible told us, 2 Corinthians 13:12. Shaking hands is