Page 183 - Christ Jesus is Alive
P. 183

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive:

               God allowed this evil to happen to me; therefore, I experienced hell.
            Once again, God allowed His one and only begotten son. Christ a spotless
            deity, full of majesty and power. He is the greatest teacher, preacher, healer,

            and  saviour.  His  hands  pierced  with  nails  on  the  old,  rugged  cross.
            Now, faithfully,  because  of  what  happened  to  me.  I  am  determined  to
            make awareness against the cruelty that occurs in the church.

                                        H o l y  H a n d s

            God created hands for other uses. Christ Jesus heals with his hands.
               He cures and raises the dead, John 11: 40-44. Acts 9: 36-41. Moses
            divided the Red Sea by raising his hand, Exodus 14: 15-18. Moses and

            Israel  prevailed  against  Amalek  if  his  hand  was  raised,  Exodus  17:11.
            There is no decree written for us to do anything physical hand-to-hand.

            It  concerns  me.  I  had  to  mention  torture,  faithfully.  No  sin  will  go
            unpunished. Heaven will judge all doings, to the smallest of sins, Matthew
            5: 17-20 and Luke 16:17. It should be one’s personal options to holy kiss.

            There are reasons why handshakes are preferred. Fasting makes the mouth
            smell badly, a reason no holy kiss. People are probably afraid to catch a

            cold or germ because it is hard to get well. Afraid of catching an incurable
            disease like Aids or Ebola. Shaking hands is especially horrid because of the
            Coronavirus 19 outbreak.

                                    F a i t h  A b u n d a n c e

            Avoiding a decree or commandment because of these fears shows lack of
            faith, Mark 16:17-18. Apostle Paul survived a bite by a viper, Acts 28: 1-6.
            The bible says, those who believe in Christ Jesus will take up poisonous

            snakes and survive. All the faithful will live.
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