Page 26 - March 2017 Rev E_Neat
P. 26
As it is so written in Luke Charter 11 of a fellowman going
to his neighbor's home at midnight asking for help. The
neighbor rises from his sleep to give his friend the assistance
he was seeking. No better story, in my opinion, than this
to describe Mr. Darrell Cole. I suppose in life, we all have
neighbors but I think the key is to have a good neighbor To this I
was fortunate to have Mr. Darrell Cole as my good neighbor for
forty-one years.
Darrell was a person who took pride and pleasure in being that
good neighbor He was always offering to assist regardless of the
time or the challenge of the task-truly a rare type individual now
days. To compliment this can-do attitude, Darrell had an infec-
tious smile and a sharp wit of humor- the type person with whom
you wanted to engage conversation and call your friend. I feel
anyone who knew Mr. Darrell Cole and did not like him is the
type person who is going to have a hard time liking any-
one ! Some may have labeled Darrell as not being in vogue with
political correctness-to this I beg to the complete contrary. Mr. Darrell Cole was always politically correct
in that he said what he believed and believed what he said. Not someone to intentionally offend or hunt any-
one, Darrell was just a "salt of the earth", honest man with a high level of integrity. If there were more Dar-
rell Cole's ,I believe, this ole world would be a far better place. Darrell and I spent countless hours philoso-
phizing under the pecan trees at my home place on how to solve not only local issues but also national as
well as even world affairs. Only trouble was, no one other than ourselves ever seemed interested or heeded
our advise!
However, on a more serious note, Mr. Darrell Cole loved
life, loved his family, his heritage, the Townville Community and
its people, his religion and church and his country. During a recent
conversation Darrell related to me his life had been good; that he
had no regrets and he felt well blessed. Mr. Darrell Cole was a
good neighbor, a good friend and a good man. I feel fortunate to
have known him in all three of these attributes and as many of you
will agree, he will be greatly missed. May the memories of Darrell
Cole be long lasting. Submitted by a neighbor and friend.