Page 27 - March 2017 Rev E_Neat
P. 27

ISSUE NUMBER  165                                                                                                                                                           MARCH 2017
                                                       THE TOWN CRIER

                                                 The Wealth of John Harris
                                                   Examining an Old Will
                                                Contributed by Elaine Hunt

          In order to understand the wealth of the John Harris family and his Harrisburg plantation, his will shows the distribu-
          tion of his wealth. Remember one dollar then is worth $32.26 today and this money was scarce and made through
          backbreaking work.

          WILL OF JOHN HARRIS    South Carolina, Anderson District: In the name of God Amen; I John Harris of the State and District
          aforesaid, considering the uncertainty of this mortal life, and being of Sound mind and disposing memory, blefsed (blessed) be
          God for the Same, do make and publish this my last will and testament in maner (manner) and form following (viz)
          Item lst To my Son Andrew in addition to what I have already given him, I will that he have (at the valuation of appraisors) prop-
          erty to the amount of two hundred dollars.

          Item 2d To the heirs of my Son John dec in addition to what he had received, I will that they have property to the amount of one
          Thousand Dollars valued as above.

          Item 3d To my Son Nathaniel in addition to what he has received, I will that he have property to the amount of two hundred dol-
          lars valued as above.

          Item 4th To my Son Ezekiel in addition to what he has received, I will that he have property to the amount of two hundred dollars,
          valued as above.

          Item 5th To my Son Thomas Handy the money that I have already advanced for him, and the amount for which I was Security for
          him, will make up his legacy in full.

          Item 6th To my Son Joseph Pickens in addition to what he has received, I will that he have property to the amount of two hundred
          dollars valued as above.

          Item 7th To my Son Benjamine in addition to my Negro boy Adam, I will that he have property to the amount of Seven hundred
          dollars, valued as above.

          Item 8 To my Daughter Rebecca Reese in addition to what I have already given her, I will that She have my negro girl Clarifsa, to
          be Secured to her during her natural life, and at her death to whomsoever of the heirs of her body She may will her.

          Item 9th To my Daughter Mary H Noble in addition to what She has received, I will that She have my Negro girl or Woman Jane.

          Item 10th To my Daughter Eliza C Burns in addition to the Negro girl Rose which I have given her I will that She have property
          to the amount of two hundred dollars valued as afore mentioned.

          Item 11th I will and bequeath to my wife Mary Harris in fee Simple forever a Negro girl named Phillis, with my bed and furniture
          and the choice of a much Cow, also that She have the services of my Negro Woman Sarah during her widowhood or natural life-
          time, then S woman to revert back to my Children.

          Item 12th I will that all my just debts be paid out of my Estate previous to the distribution of any of the forgoing legacies.

          Item 13th I will that whatever property there may be over and above what I have already distributed be equally divided among all
          my Children. Also that my Sons Nathaniel and Joseph act as Trustees for my Wife.

          Item l4th I do hereby appoint my Sons Nathaniel, Joseph P. and Benjamine my Execu-
          tors to this y last will and Testament and that they shall appoint the appraisors to make
          the distributions as above directed. Witnefs (witness) my hand and Seal this l7th Feb.
          In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fortyfive and Seventieth of
          American Independance.

          Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of Charles Bruce, Wm S. Woolbright,
          John Harris- (LS), Handy H Bruce
                                           The plantation was flooded during the con-
          Recorded in Will Book B, Page 204   struction of Hartwell in 1962, the cemetery
          Recorded June 23, 1845           survived and explorers can find as many as
          Proved June 23, 1845             59 graves on Cemetery island. Among them
          William Magee, 0. A. D.; Roll No. 998,    are the graves of John Harris Jr. and his wife
                                           Mary Pickens Harris, the daughter of Revo-
                                           lutionary War hero General Andrew Pickens.

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