Page 64 - Reflections of you 8-12
P. 64


                                                                                                                                   Grade 11

                                                 Mirror of Myself

         “Hi”, a simple expression to greet other individuals but surely I’m not like others, after all I’m “me”. Still, that expression still
         stands, so once again I’ll greet you “me” Hi.

         I’ve wrote to you multiple times now, I don’t really know why I do it that much but it feels cathartic to both me and you, simply
         put, it reassures and motivates me to complete the obstacle life has brought up. So, I’ll ask these simple yet very heavy- hearted
         questions, “How are you, are you fine?”, “How are your parents?”, “How are your brothers?”. These simple questions seem to hit

         the hardest because it also re- minds us how we are never alone and we always have someone to rely on. It’s fine to feel lost or
         quite bored of life because no one ever said it’ll be easy, you’ll just have to find that motivation and set on a path to lead you to
         your success. I’ll also help with that since you are quite literally the reflection of myself. Everything I’ve done up until now, will
         each have a major impact on your standing.

         I’ll ask again “Are you finished?”, “Are you happy where you’re at right now?”, “Do you feel complete?”. If at any point you
         hesitated to answer then you and I are both not finished, not finished until we set upon our goal. I’ll also reassure you that I’ll do
         anything to proceed upon it. However, you’ll also have to fit my image of success, and also be the motivational stride for me
         since you are, “me”.

         If by some chance you found your catalyst in life and you feel done, I’ll ask again, “Are you done?” “Are you sure you like it?”,
         “Are you happy?”. If you’re once again hesitant then don’t worry I’ll also help with that, I’ll make sure that both of us are able to
         be happy and free, now that doesn’t mean that you’ll be left off the hook you’ll still have to please your future too.

         It’s been an experience talking with you once again so I’ll say it again...

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