Page 60 - Reflections of you 8-12
P. 60


                                                                                                         Grade 11A

                                                   Dear Dash,

          This is Dash, you from 10 years earlier. I’m writing this letter to you due to the reason that this letter is actually

          an assignment.

          It is currently November 3rd of 2021, one of the years where covid was still active as ever and around. I can not

          tell if covid will be a thing in 10 years of time. I hope it isn’t still kicking around by your time. We actually got
          covid remember? It was just a few weeks ago actually. I really missed out on too much school stuff. Catching

          up wasn’t going to be easy so I just decided to continue from where everyone is, you and I know how lazy I

          It is also the time where I am struggling on IGCSE tests. I don’t know if I can do it well, I hope you did well and

          received good grades. I planned a party after tests are done, hope it went well, really looking forward to it due
          to the high levels of stress. It would be nice to have some fun after all this.

          Now in 10 years, I better have a steady job, or studying for a higher education. **I hope you are still as smart as
          me.** If you can’t make money at least have won the lottery by then, I don’t want to be broke. Also a girlfriend

          maybe? I mean it’s alright if you don’t have a partner but like we have to get a partner at some point. We both
          know we have to keep our family tree growing. If you aren’t successful by this time, consider yourself to be
          disappointed by a 16 year old boy.

          Anyways, this letter has been interesting to write. I am actually glad I could write this letter to you. I am also

          very interested in how things will have changed by the time you will be reading this.
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