Page 77 - Reflections of you 8-12
P. 77


                                                                                                         12 B

                                            Family, Free-time, or Money

                                                     The choice is yours.

          Having more money and less free time is better than earning less money and having more free time is really

         common topic that people often debate on.

          Some people believe that earning more money is more important than having free-time, while others think that
         having more free time is more important than a good financial status. Throughout their lives people have to

         manage time and money efficiently to live happily. In my opinion, although people can buy material things that
         they wanted or needed with money but as we also need to socialize and strengthen our relations to feel happy or
         satisfied on their life and that requires more free time. Many people agree that money is the most important

         factor in our life as it can enormously affect our family's life.

          If one of our family members has a health problem, the first solution would be searching for the best health
         center with professional doctors. Staying at home and spending more time with them would not make them

         better and cure them. Therefore, the whole process may cost a lot, so people need enough money to cover their
         necessities. On the other hand, some other people consider that without having enough free time to spend with

         family we will lose our motivation for improvement. Families who spend reasonable time together can build
         strong relations and that would motivate them to continue their activities and improve. According to some
         research students who spend most of their spare time with their parents are considerably happier and more

         motivated than those who spend time with their babysitters as their parents work 9 to 5 every day. In conclusion,
         although the more we earn the better we cover our and our family's basic demands, I believe that we need to

         build strong relations with our family and without it, we and our family members would become sad and
         demotivated so it is important to take enough time to spend with family.
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