Page 79 - Reflections of you 8-12
P. 79


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                                              What is happiness?

          “Money can’t buy happiness” This particular phrase always bugged me because everyone has their unique

          interpretation of what they consider as ‘happiness’. Some people have a state of happiness that can be given a
          monetary value, while others may find happiness in things that are only exclusive to them, in other words, things that
          are priceless.

          The term ‘happiness’ is quite tricky to define since it can’t be seen or physically held, but can only be felt. On top of
          that, not everyone feels happy the same way, so this mysterious feeling called ‘happiness’ a completely different
          aspect for everyone. As a result, we humans have value it with great range. Personally, I consider happiness to be in a
          state of being free from any difficulties life may throw at you, such as sickness, poverty, or losing a loved one. For

          many, these things are inevitable, and can’t be cheated out of with money. Thus, my version of happiness can’t be
          bought with money. In contrast, some people could see happiness as having fifteen cars and private mansion, which
          can easily be obtained with enough money. In short, happiness is too broad to be decided if it’s obtainable with

          money or not.

          So, this brings forth the next question: “How can one achieve happiness?” I believe that everyone has a different
          method of attaining happiness, based on what they consider to be happiness. But in general, it should be obvious that
          happiness can’t be achieved with ease. Everyone has to work hard to reach their dreams and fulfill their desires, so

          that they can finally be happy. There are no exceptions to this universal rule. Although, if you are successful in doing
          so, you can find comfort in the fact that that you were able to reach a place you once dreamt of, which, in turn, will
          bring you happiness.

          In conclusion, happiness varies from person to person, so whether or not money can buy that becomes obsolete. In
          addition, to obtain happiness, you must work hard and have resilience like no other.
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