Page 34 - 2022-2023 Creative Writing
P. 34

Music's Impact on People

            Music has the ability to deeply affect our mood and lift our spirits. Music gives us energy and motivation when we
            need it, it can comfort us when we are worried, it can encourage us when we are tired, and when we feel down, it

            can cheer us up again. Through music, we connect with other people, especially those who create and perform it. In
            your hardest, happiest, and saddest moments,

                                          its melodies will dance in your ears

            which will make you feel really peaceful.

            With the help of the music artists who put their heart into their work, we can relate to other people, their struggles,
            challenges, and emotions. You can clearly tell that music makes us alive and connects us to our most precious

            memories. Also, it can make us the best version of ourselves by motivating and consoling us with its magical

            melody. Some teachers use music for their teaching method like playing their favorite songs while the students are
            writing. It will help the students remember the things they write by listening to the song. Such as this, music can be

            used for many different purposes even with your studies. Furthermore,
                 there is a medical curing with music that will affect your

                                      mental health and lowers your anxiety.

            The advantages and the effects of listening to music are not only limited to what was stated above. Listening to

            music is said to make people happier. In short, when you listen to music, it helps you have a better mood. The
            researchers noted that most people listen to music because it regulates their emotions and processes their feelings.

                                                           9C Enkhjin .M
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